Fighting a Fox

Roxana looked ahead at the castle. What was she doing still not having found an item to steal. She was letting herself get distracted and lose focus of her goal. That sinfully beautiful King was making her have sinister thoughts that somehow kept her awake at night. 

Desires they say? She couldn't afford desire. 

Straightening herself she went inside. Today she would have to do something about her bullies or perhaps Sir Fulker himself. Or maybe she could use Lord Quintus. Whatever she needed to do, she would have to wait and see. 

Going to the defense quarters, she prepared her defenses. "Good morning, Sir Fulker." She greeted. 

"Rox!" He shouted. "I hope you haven't been slacking during your night shift. I will be harder on you today. Especially since you will be Your Majesty's guard." He regarded her critically. "I don't know what charms you have used to get that position but I have my eyes on you young man."