Just a dream

After spending the whole evening watching the king chat with the princess, it was finally time to go to bed. 

"I will stand guard with Luke. You two get some rest." Peter told Roxana and Gary. 

Great. At this point, she wanted nothing but to sleep so she could wake up with a fresh mind and think clearer. Right now, she was being irrational. She was acting and feeling strange. 

All of them were escorted to their rooms and even the guards were given comfortable accommodations. Roxana lay on the soft mattress with a sigh. After sleeping on the ground for two days straight this felt like heaven. They were five guards sleeping in the large room. Two of them collapsed on the mattress and began to snore immediately after having a little too much to drink. 

"I think we will have a royal wedding soon." The guard Jonathan spoke as he took off his armor.