Off duty

Skender was grateful that he was feeling weak or his rage could have burned this whole place. He looked at each and everyone in the tavern, imagining a slaughter in his head and turning this place into a sea of blood. Even looking at Roxana didn't calm him. In fact, he was furious with her. He walked over and she flinched sensing his anger as he reached for her hand. He pulled her out of the chair and then dragged her outside. 

"Your Majesty." She croaked unable to keep up with his pace. 

Once they were outside, he yanked her arm so she stumbled forward and ended up in front of him. 

"What do you think you are doing?" He hissed. 

He shouldn't be angry with her. He knew all this was part of Lazarus's scheme who had disappeared now fearing his wrath. If he was clever, he should never come back.