Morning meetings

"Where is he?" Blayze asked impatiently as they waited for Skender to attend the morning meeting. "He tells us to not come late, yet he is the one late." 

Rayven noticed that Blayze was getting more and more annoyed with Skender. But they weren't the only enemies right now. Somehow the quiet Vitale was not so quiet anymore. He was also irritated by someone in particular and that was none other than Lazarus. 

"Don't let him hear you," Lazarus warned Blayze. "You don't want to be drowned." 

Blayze scoffed. Rayven wondered sometimes if Blayze's sin hadn't been wrath if he would be different. He had realized himself that just because he was redeemed didn't make him charming all of a sudden. Some things were part of their personalities. Maybe Blayze wouldn't be so angry but he would still have some impulsiveness left. 

"At least I am not scared to smile at him after he drowns me," Blayze told him.