Hit the rocks

Oh lord. She was sure those eyes blazed with a silver fire. Strange but they did and his hand was like chains of steel around her arm. He could break her bones and still, she was more shocked than worried for her wellbeing. This man was nothing like the man she knew. She was so close to weeping instead of running for her life. She just wanted him to go back to the way he was and tell her that all this was an attempt to scare her away and that he was sorry. 

"Listen to me, Roxana. I can tolerate anything but not I can't live without you. I will lose my mind." 

Oh no. She felt like more people than herself would be in trouble if he lost his mind. Not that he seemed sane at this moment. 

"Alright." She said. 

He frowned. "Don't lie." He warned her as if he knew her plans. 

"I am not but you need to be able to handle the truth… and your behavior is frightening." 

His frown deepened. 

"And you are hurting my arm."