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A kiss? 

Roxana's eyes dipped to his lips. Would his kiss be like the night before he collapsed? Somehow she became nervous. She wanted it to feel good like the time before that. 

Alexander didn't let her speculate much. He leaned down and melted his lips against hers. Roxana shivered. Not because she was cold but because of the warm sensation that followed his kiss. It felt like her heart dipped to her stomach and began to beat faster down there. 

His lips were cold but she didn't care for it because his kiss was inflaming. Passionate but not forceful. Deliberate as if letting her know this was exactly what he intended to do. What he wanted to do. God, she wanted it to.

She tiptoed and wrapped her arms around his neck, seeking more from his kiss, opening her mouth to him. He took advantage of the entrance and invited himself in. Explored, tasted, retreated, and then penetrated again.