Mission accomplished

"Roxana!" Alexander came running after her. 

"Why don't you go fishing, Your Majesty. That must be more fun." She threw her hair back, something she did when she wanted to display female confidence. 

"Then what?" 

"Nothing:" She said. 

"It is surely more fun than nothing." He teased. "But I want to stay by your side. I need protection. You are my guard. Remember?" 

"There is no threat here." She said. 

"Are you sure? It seemed like there were many threats just now. I thought that was why you came out." 

She took a deep breath to remain calm. "You are teasing me now." She pointed to the annoyance not easing a bit. She didn't know what had gotten into her. 

"I can't help it. I like your possessiveness."

Huh? She turned to him wide-eyed. "Posse–possessive? Who? I am not possessive." 

He smiles amused as they arrived at the ship. 

"Jealous then?" He raised a brow.