All or nothing

Roxana left Alexander's chambers feeling some kind of rush she couldn't explain. She felt somehow powerful, in control, and satisfied that she could also make him feel frustrated. It was almost the same feeling as when she discovered something new and exciting and with this, the excitement was even more because it felt forbidden. That slowly made the excitement fade and her face burn hot. 

No. He touched her too so why would she be embarrassed about touching him? It was time to use her skills to torture. She knew after all how to seduce. Well, usually to buy something or get herself out of difficult situations but clearly, she could use it to torture a certain person as well. 

Also, she couldn't deny she enjoyed it meanwhile. To have him beneath her and feel the way his heartbeat increased against her chest, the way his breathing changed and those low growls leaving his lips made her body tingle. And then the thick length of him in her hand… She froze.