Pure pleasure

Roxana's body reacted immediately to Alexander's words. She was beginning to realize that certain words could make her melt even faster than a touch. Why did she find this arousing? 

Alexander turned her around, pushing her back against his chest. He removed the hair from her neck and as his lips made contact with her skin, her head fell back involuntarily. Her eyes shut as he kissed and nipped at her neck until her skin tingled with that strange sensation again. 

A tremor went down her spine and she turned around. "Alexander. Let's do the mating thing first." She said remembering that he could still hear her thoughts. 

"Not first, Roxana. Not like this. I will show you how." He told her backing her into the bed while taking her lips with his. Roxana kissed him back until she felt the edge of the bed behind her and stumbled back into a sitting position.