Meeting his family (part 1)

Alexander said nothing but Roxana could see the dark smoldering look in his eyes. She had something to admire as well as he walked over the distance, wet and only wrapped in a towel. His eyes were focused on her, seizing her from top to bottom and lingering a little more on certain places, like her lips, her neck, and her chest. 

"I knew you would be trouble today," he said, removing her hair from her shoulder as he walked past her. He came around from behind and his lips danced across her shoulder and up to her neck while the back of his hand caressed down her spine. 

Roxana shivered. His hands began mapping her body, slowly, deliciously, as if shaping her along the way. He came around to kiss her but paused. His head turned as if hearing a sound. 

"What is it?" She asked. 

"I think the parents are enjoying some time together. What did you ladies do?" 

Roxana smiled and shrugged. "We just shared some secrets."