Lesson one

Roxana went to the defense quarters where she could already hear Sir Fulker yelling his insults. She went to greet him. 

"Good morning Sir," She smiled. 

"What morning? It is soon lunchtime. Get your lazy self too early if you are going to come here." He said staying in character. 

"Yes, Sir." She said firmly, glad that he wasn't treating her any differently. But everyone else had already started gossiping, wondering what she was doing here as a guard. 

Roxana ignored them and went to the storage to take her weapons. She didn't care to look for Gary and Peter as she didn't want to make them uncomfortable. She could understand their reason. 

As she walked through the halls, she realized the rumors had spread more than she expected. The servants glanced her way, and the maids whispered as soon as they walked past her. She wasn't even a queen yet she was already scrutinized.