The creator

Constantine finished the cup of blood he was served every evening. He healed very fast and even felt much stronger than he did before. He was now the false leader of the shades but truly he was a slave. Every step he took was being watched. He couldn't see who watched him, but he felt it. 

Everything was so perfectly under control. But not under his control. It felt as if the strange demon was a shadow himself, present in every step. Perhaps it was just him being paranoid but what was he supposed to feel? His whole existence turned out to be something else. 

Tonight he might finally get some answers. Since the day he met the strange demon, he hadn't seen him. The demon had only sent his men to deliver blood and messages and now they came with an invitation to have dinner with him. How romantic. 

Dinner with his creator? He still had a hard time believing that. How did a demon create them and whose blood was he feeding him?