Plan rescue

Everyone gathered in Rayven's home in the demon world. Roxana was in panic and had told the others that something wasn't right and when Skender's grandma couldn't find him, her feelings were confirmed. 

"What happened?" Lucrezia asked. 

"I am not sure. One moment he was there and the next he was gone." The grandma said. 

Angelica put her arm around Roxana who was distressed. "He is not alright. I can feel it. He is… he is in pain." 

"We need to know his location," his grandma said, looking at Lucrezia. 

"I think I can find out." She said. 

"I will come with you," the grandma suggested. 

"No. You can't." She would have to deal with Raphael. 

The grandma frowned. 

"I'll be back soon with the location and then we will go find him," she said. 

She didn't waste time and quickly went to find Raphael. It was late but she didn't care. She went straight to his home and he was quick to appear. "Lucrezia?" He frowned.