The Kiss

New characters! Alert alert!

Alison Norton

Details of character...

Sexuality: Lesbian

Status: Single

Personality: Kind, warm, tender, impulsive 

Steve Norton

Details of character...

Sexuality: Straight 

Status: Divorced

Personality: dependable, competent, 

Assertive, anxious 


I blushed as my heart started to race at a fast pace, W-what am I doing? I'm just standing there not even kissing back, God this is awful considering it's my first kiss.


Why isn't he kissing back? This is so fucking weird, I mean I forced it on him, he's so gonna hate me.

"BOYS!? WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING UP THERE!?" his mom yelled.

The kiss fell and broke and he and I probably sat in silence for at least 4 minutes, "So..." I said.

"Let's try that again, I wasn't kissing back and it made it kind of awkward, plus this is my first kiss with a boy or even a girl, not that you're a girl but that like, I never kissed a gi-" Tyler spat, but I stopped him just in time.

"Ty, just shut up and come here," I said leaning in for one more kiss but this time his eldest sister just had to come in. 

"Oh? Jerk-circ?" She claimed cackling. 

"W-what no! He was just getting something off my face!" Ty said worried, "by looking intensely at it and leaning in? So that's what boys do nowadays huh?" She said yet again laughing at the fact we almost..well..kissed..again.

"Boys!!" His mom yelled out, "last warning come down now or no smores!!" 

Fuck... This is a disaster starting from the fact I confessed my love to the fact I just forced him into a kiss '#Sexualharassment' 

"ooh smores, yeah you two get back to what you were " not " doing, and yeah, I'll see you two outside better hurry though because I might just steal all the snores" she spattered.


Why do I feel this way? I really liked it...a lot...God that's so wrong, my Christian Minecraft server won't like that, at all...

"Yeah let's get dressed and eat some smores, sounds like a great idea Ali," 

"Definitely," Alex responded in agreement 

                 8 minutes passed

  We were finally ready, I still can't believe my sister fucking walked in on us, pretty sure I had a hard-on, that's thankfully gone. 

I kinda felt like a jerk for making fun of his love at first, because I'm starting to think I feel the same way... That kiss... It may have been awkward and weird, but to be honest I loved it.

"Hey, when is your dad gonna be home? Isn't he the one bringing the dogs?" Alex explained scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, he'll be here soon, I'll text him and see, hold on" I reached for my phone and searched my pockets, "fuck." 

"What? You lose your phone?"

"Yeah, it's not in my pockets dude, you know how much embarrassing shit I have on there? Very much and many" I said.

"Hmm, let me be the judge of that, pretty sure pants come with 4 pockets ty," Alex claimed, he came behind me and reached his hand down my left back pocket making my heart skip and beat as he grazed his finger around the hole in my jeans.

"HEY! we're looking for my phone, not my-" 

"Found it! It was deep down in there, you're pockets are really deep, might wanna get them checked." Alex said smiling but joking.

"Wow I'm so laughing right now, give me the damn thing already." I put my hand out waiting for the electronic to be placed in my hand, as I should.

As he handed it to me I quickly scrolled to my messages, seeing 1 notification reading 15 minutes ago reading: 



Dad 🏆: broke down, might take a bit 

Dad 🏆Typing: (°°°)

Me: Oh, what happened? 

Dad 🏆: On my way right now, give me 5.

Me: Alr ttyl...


"He said he broke down a bit ago but is now on his way, so it won't be too long, anyways let's head downstairs before my mom beats the both of us," I said Alex nodding in agreement.


As we made our way down the stairs, we could see the fire burning outside, "they started without us" alex said seemingly,  "Seems about right, let's hurry before they end it without us."

15 minutes had passed and we were enjoying burnt hot dogs and crispy smores my dad had made for us, I didn't mind eating charcoal but I rather had it the other wag around you know? Burnt smores and crispy hot dogs? Yeah sounds about right

"Hey sport, you and Alex should get ready for bed don't you think? It's getting super late, we're gonna start cleaning up and head to bed too." He said.

"Sure dad, come on Alex," Alex and I raced up the stairs to the porch in a hurry to call dibs on which bed we'd get, little did we know we'd have to share.

As we came across my room, the guest room was clearly in use, "I forgot Ali's girlfriend was coming over tonight, they're both in sharing the guest room" I assumed.

"So that means I get Ali's room huh?" Alex said smirking.

"In your dreams, that's my sister you know, not a fan of my best friend hitting on her like that" I explained.

"You know I only have eyes for you hubby," he said biting his lip playfully, "no more gay shit,  it's getting a tad bit stale," I say laughing.

"Oh, so it's getting hard?" Alex winks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Totally," I say winking, "now come on let's go cuddle 6 feet apart cuz we're not gay." 

"Sounds like a master plan to me!" He says cheerfully, as Alex and I plop down onto my poorly built mattress, he lets out a loud abrupt sigh, "What was that for?" I questioned.

"Mostly, because I didn't get laid tonight like I was supposed to." Alex spat in disappointment.

"Supposed to aye? What did you think I was willingly going to let you out of all people especially men, take my virginity? I don't think so, I'm saving it for Jesus Christ himself." I said.

"Well lucky you, I am Jesus Christ, and I demand you hand over your virginity for goodwill," He says Sitting up onto the bed with his hands up into the air, " 


Of course, I was just kidding, I'm not some type of serial rapist, and if I was id be pretty disappointed in my self actions for picking Tyler out of all people.

"Don't worry I'm laughing on the outside but dying on the inside" Tyler exclaimed, to be honest, I didn't really wanna get laid but the thought of Tyler just made it all too good to be real, "Maybe one day?" I asked.

"Sheesh, you never stop till you get a taste do ya?" Tyler said rationally, "unfortunately I do not," I say.

"Holy shit, Poor Jessica, couldn't imagine the amount of Jesus Christ shlong she had gotten throughout the 5 years." Ty choked out.

•Ring• •Ring• •Ring•

(Unknown caller)

"Shit my phone."