Baran's Club

With a cold gaze, Reino saw the attraction in front of him. He thought which part of the direction of enjoyment of men in a creature called a woman.

Reino saw that Baran was enjoying his "dinner" very much. He saw from the start of Baran's "foreplay" which began with a ferocious kiss of a woman - which he somehow got from nowhere - in front of him. Make the woman cornered in the corner of the room while his hands don't stop working. His left hand firmly grips the back of the woman's head while the other hand raises her thigh-high. The woman looks helpless with the ferocity of Baran's kiss. He did not give the girl the slightest pause even if she just inhaled the oxygen around her. Hot rush.

Reino still didn't budge from his position to witness the attraction shown by his friend. Baran, himself did not feel uncomfortable if Reino watched his "eating" women's activities. Instead, he felt motivated as if he was an adult film actor who had to show his skills in making love to Reino. He wanted praise from Reino for his actions. And the attraction is always he deliberately often Reino visits his club.

Reino, watched every detail of his best friend's behavior while crossing his arms in front of his chest. In his eyes, he was no more as if he saw a blue film that his friends had often shown in junior high school. Not that Reino was impotent, deep down he wanted to try just like what Baran was doing right now. But, again the trauma arose to dispel all the passions he wanted to vent on women.

"Again, forty-five minutes of my time was wasted," Reino said sarcastically as Baran finished his game on the woman. The woman collapsed, either exhausted or fluttering because she was repeatedly satisfied by Baran's actions. Reino was forced to look away when the woman screamed repeatedly in between their sighs of pleasure. The climax given by Baran seemed to make the woman never end up feeling pleasure.

Reino walked over to Baran who was wearing his jeans.

"Hey Reino, just try it once. There's a lot of" good stuff "here. I guarantee you won't regret it."

"Not interested."

"Not interested? Really? I can't believe it. Earlier I saw, you had time to turn your face when Alea got her satisfaction. Did I manage to melt your cold heart this time, bro?"

"I turned my face because your woman was too loud. It made my ears hurt from her screaming," Reino argued. There is a large wall that he deliberately built so that he was never attracted to women.

"All right, all right. You're always like that. Cold, as always." Baran poured the alcohol bottle into the empty glass in front of Reino.

After wearing his full clothes, Baran invited Reino to sit casually at the bar. He needs fresh air after spending a lot of calories eating his woman. Alea is the second woman he eats tonight. Only an hour apart, he already ate his woman.

"You know bro, I never understood the unreasonable reasons you hate women. Look around you, they are so amazing."

Baran pointed at a group of girls who were rocking their bodies on the dance floor. His forefinger then circled to the "pole" dancing girl, who skillfully danced hand in hand with the towering iron pole.

"Look at them writhing very beautifully in my eyes. Don't you really want to taste them? Try to be more relaxed in life."

Baran still insisted that his friend wanted to taste the "dish" that was presented on the pole stage. They are striptease dancers. The women perform erotic dances on a mini stage with an iron pole in the middle that becomes their handle to swing.

"I'll just go home. I thought you called me because there were important things that had to be discussed right away so you couldn't say it over the phone line. It turns out that again and again, you discuss my dislike of women. Okay, I'm going home now."

With steadfast steps, Reino left Baran who looked annoyed, because his attempts were unsuccessful again for Reino.

Reino stepped out of Baran's bar without paying any attention to Baran's screams which prevented him from staying any longer in his bar.

Reino was almost about to get close to his car which was parked on the side of the road, he saw an old woman sitting on the sidewalk. Initially, he was indifferent to the old grandmother, but who knows what made him want to approach him even more. It was as if his heart was attracted by something so he finally approached him.

"What are you doing here all night, Grandma?" asked Reino. He knew that it was still two in the morning. The numbers that appear on the watch can be seen in his eyes.

The grandmother did not answer, still sitting in silence. Reino came closer and crouched down, he thought the grandmother didn't hear his question.

"Who are you here with? Are you waiting for someone here?" asked Reino again.

The grandmother then turned around and held Reino's hand. Suddenly Reino was surprised to get a sudden response from the old grandmother.

"Please take me somewhere," said the old grandmother. She finally let out a hoarse voice. There was a feeling of fear in Reino's heart, but his pity felt more than his fear.

"Where do you want Grandma?" asked Reino. His hand is still being held by the old grandmother.

"Take grandma somewhere!" exclaimed the grandmother. The sound of the sudden pounding of the grandmother made Reino tremble a little, even the grip of the grandmother's hand tighter.

"Yes, fine, Grandma. Please let go of my hand first. I-I'll take you to the place you want, but please let go of my hands first." Reino begged the old woman to grant his wish to release her grip.

Instantly the grandmother released her grip and then slowly stood up. Reino stood up and took a step back so that he was prepared if the old grandmother in front of him would commit acts of violence.

'Violence? Is it possible that the frail old lady in front of him could commit acts of violence? But earlier he was gripping my hand so tight I couldn't let go of it easily. ' Reino couldn't stop wondering how that old lady could have such a strong power to grip his hand.

"Take me right now. There's no time."

There was a voice that had a little emphasis on the last sentence.

"Fine, fine Grandma. I'm going to take you now. But where I have to take you. I don't know where you're going." Reino was getting scared by hearing the voice of the old grandmother.

"There!" The old woman showed her hand towards the front of the road. Reino was getting confused, where he would take the grandmother in front of him. He was also worried whether the grandmother in front of him was a crazy person who could trouble him later. But he had already promised to deliver the old grandmother.

With compulsion, he finally followed the old woman from behind. He took a distance from the grandmother. He was afraid that his hand would be gripped again.

And at that instant Baran was suddenly seen running towards him.

"What is wrong?" Reino asked his attention now turning to Baran.

"Your cell phone is left behind," said Baran handing Reino's cellphone with a gasp.

"Thanks!" Reino said flatly, then he looked back at the old woman.

And ...

"Where is the grandmother?" Reino looked around. Baran who saw it was astonished.

"What happened to you?" asked Baran.

"Did you see where the grandmother went?" asked Reino.

"Grandma, a grandma who?"

"Just now, I was about to take her to—"

"Rein, you've been alone and I haven't seen any grandmother," said Baran.