Luz del Alba (part 1)

Ruby still didn't respond to her mother. After a while, she mumbled, "It's 10 pm. I have to go now!" She immediately stood up and straightened her slightly wrinkled clothes.

Suddenly Emmy felt her hand hanging in the air. There was no longer her daughter's fine hair that she had stroked. Now there is only empty air.

Emmy immediately pulled her hand back, she slowly asked, "Where are you going? It's late, it's not good for a girl to go out alone."

Emmy is very worried about Ruby. Moreover, there is no Juan who always looks after her. How could she calmly see her daughter out alone, such a night?

"I have to go to the nightclub, now! I have things to do there." Ruby answered curtly, without explaining anything else to Emmy.

Of course, Emmy was very surprised to hear Ruby's answer. What will Ruby do?

"Going to a nightclub?" Emmy walked over to Ruby, who was now in front of the exit. "What are you going to do there? Are you going to sell yourself? Huh?"

Emmy was a little emotional when she heard that her daughter was going to a nightclub, even if she had business to finish there? What business is that?

"Mommy doesn't need to know!" Ruby ignored Emmy. She still didn't intend to explain it to Emmy.

Just as Ruby was about to open the door, suddenly a slap flew straight to her face and landed perfectly on her cheek.

The voice sounded very clear.

Ruby was surprised, subconsciously looking away because the pressure from Emmy's hand was so strong on her face.

Ruby felt her left cheek which felt hot and throbbing. She lifted her head to look at Emmy.

"Mama? Y-you... slapped me?" Ruby couldn't believe Emmy would slap her.

All this time, Emmy had pampered her so much. Never mind slapping, even hitting Emmy has never done it.

But now ....?

Seeing Ruby's face starting to swell, Emmy immediately snapped out of her actions. She nervously raised her hand to touch Ruby's face.

"Honey! I'm sorry! Mama doesn't feel ___" she suddenly stopped.

Before she could touch Ruby's face, Ruby was seen opening the door of the house and leaving in a hurry. Didn't even let Emmy finish her sentence.

Ruby walked quickly out of the house. One hand still touched her cheek which was getting hotter and the other hand opened the gate of her house.

"Ruby stop! Mama said stop! Mama told you not to go, Ruby!"

Ruby paid no heed to Emmy's warning. She kept on walking, going farther and farther away from the house, Emmy and the sound of her screaming.

*** ***

With increasingly uncertain feelings and pain in her cheeks, Ruby continued to carry her feet step by step through the dark night without paying attention to anything.

Ruby walked on until she arrived at the highway which was starting to look crowded. She immediately stopped the taxi. She still covered one cheek with one hand, not wanting anyone else to see her face which was now starting to look red and slightly swollen.

When the taxi stopped in front of her, she immediately got into the car and began to sit in the back seat while leaning her body there.

"To de Falces." Ruby said tiredly.

She was indeed very tired of continuing to walk hundreds of meters from the house to the side of the highway, making her body now feel weak and helpless.

She started to close her eyes. Trying to rest for a while before she got to de Falces street.

The distance from her house to there was quite far, she could rest so she wouldn't look tired later when she faced a woman named Vanetta, the owner of the cup she had broken last night.

The situation in the car was quiet and lonely, the taxi driver really understood Ruby's situation, she didn't turn on any music, so Ruby could rest comfortably.

"Vanetta...Vanetta! Isn't that butterfly called Vanetta too?"

"Beautiful aunt, why did Vanetta's daughter turn into a butterfly? So that she can fly around the world in search of her ladies-in-waiting?"

"Auntie, when I grow up, I want to be like Vanetta's daughter, turn into a beautiful butterfly, be able to fly around the world and take mommy away with me."

"I want to fly mama away from papa. I don't want to see mama cry because of papa. I want to___"

"Miss, we have arrived." The driver's voice was very clear.

"Huh, oh yeah?" Suddenly Ruby opened her eyes. "Was I dreaming?" she muttered softly.

Ruby felt her heartbeat very fast when she remembered her dream earlier. The dream was about an incident in her childhood when she was only 4 years old.

But why did it appear in her dreams again?

"We've arrived, Miss!" The taxi driver said again.

"Oh, yes. Fine!" Ruby immediately snapped out of her daydream.

After paying the taxi fare, she got out of the car and thanked the taxi driver. After that, the taxi looks away leaving her there.

Fortunately, when it stopped, the taxi driver stopped his vehicle right in front of the entrance of the Luz Del Alba club. So Ruby no longer needs to look for the place.

It was getting late, without wasting any more time Ruby immediately entered the club. She had to find someone named Vanetta here, apologizing to the woman because she had broken the saucer made by her grandmother.

"Okay, Ruby!" said Ruby encouraging herself.