
March 15

"Let's finish it at your house, Sweety," whispered Ronan sensually. He really couldn't take it anymore. Selena is so seductive inside and out.

Selena held Ronan's chest, asking the handsome and charming man to be a little patient.

"Let's continue, but I want to dance first."

Ronan pressed his forehead against Selena's again. "Dance? Shall we not do it in your bed later?" he teased with a wide grin.

Selena's face turned red again. Selena's dimples were perfectly engraved when she smiled at Ronan's teasing. For one thing or another, she felt that Ronan's personality was far superior to Sean's. This man in front of her was very good at seducing. A deadly seduction that somehow didn't feel demeaning to Selena.

Unfortunately, right now Selena wants to dance. The girl tried to get away from Ronan and then got down onto the dance floor. It's still too late to make love. Selena knows when the time is right to make a man satisfied in bed. She thinks dancing can be used as a warm-up before getting into the real game.

Under the dim dance floor, Selena's tiny body sways to the beat of modern but very out-of-date music. In a state of being lulled like this, Selena doesn't care what music is played. All she knows is dance, dance, and dance. She looked down at Ronan who was still sitting on the barstool and drank back the second glass from the bartender. Indirectly asking the man to touch her body while dancing.

Ronan certainly understood what Selena wanted. With a smirk on his lips, he stepped closer to Selena—the only girl there.

This nightclub feels weird. It was bustling on the outside, but quiet on the inside—as lonely as Ronan was when he was on holiday from dating a girl.

Selena was still rocking as Ronan wrapped his arms around her flat stomach.

"You're so seductive, Sweety," Ronan whispered next to Selena's ear.

Selena flinched a little in amusement when Ronan whispered like that. Ronan's warm breath on the back of her neck tickled deep into her heart. It felt like a bunch of butterflies were flying inside Selena's stomach.

"You're so good at making me tense," continued Ronan.

And they both understand, what kind of tension is meant.


"Roselyn, who are you still looking for?" asked Ruby.

Roselyn felt strange. Why is she at the bar?

"Did someone bring me here earlier?"

"You walked here on your own and drank a glass of water and fell unconscious!"

"Is it true?" Roselyn still couldn't accept it in her mind.

Roselyn then looks for Selena and Ronan. She had been here with them. And now they're both gone.

"They are in love, they go home first. After drinking your friend drank two glasses and he took the girl home!" the barman informed.

"What? They left me?" Roselyn was annoyed.

"Are you here with your friend?" asked Ruby

Roselyn nodded. She was annoyed but a little satisfied too. In the end, Selena was able to get over her asshole boyfriend.

"Then what's your business?" asked Roselyn asking about Ruby coming to this club.

"I've spoken to the bartender, if I order a broken cup they say it's okay."

"Thank God!"

"I want to go home!" Roselyn then got off her chair. But the path staggered. Ruby immediately held Roselyn's body.

"You're drunk Rose. I'll take you to get a taxi."

Roselyn gave up. For some reason, her body felt weak and helpless. She had no recollection of previous events. Ruby then carried her body and out of the club. And she saw someone she knew.

Meanwhile, Reino walked out of the club with an annoying heart. He walked to his car which was parked not far from the building. He slammed his car door, venting his frustration tonight.

"Damn it, Juan! You brought that damn girl to work at my shop. Tomorrow is your last day working at my shop, smart-ass lady!"

Reino was ready to step on the gas in his car. He wanted to go home and have a beer, venting his frustration tonight. But suddenly a knock on his car window broke his concentration.

There was a sudden sound of rain falling on the ground. Reino lowered his car window. Ruby is seen carrying a foreign girl who seems drunk. Rainwater started to wet their bodies.

"Boss, can't you give me a ride!"


Reino didn't want to deal with the creature with the female title. But somehow his body was pushed to get out of the car and stare at the two women.

It was starting to drizzle over them. Reino wanted to get rid of them. But…

The flash of the images of his dreams came to his mind at this moment. Why does Reino seem to be seeing figures that are always present in his dreams?

Are the two girls the answer to his strange dream?

Suddenly, there was a thunderous roar and it was immediately followed by rain. Roselyn couldn't remember what happened next. She was between consciously and unconsciously riding a car with Ruby.

Only Roselyn could hear Ruby and the taxi driver arguing. Even though she is not a taxi driver but Reino, is Ruby's boss.