Home from Luz del Alba Club

For some reason, when the car was away from de Falces road– where the Luz Del Alba club is located, the weather was no longer windy, raining and lightning. Now the weather was normal, it looked dark with no stars, but no rain. So Ruby could clearly hear the sound of the ringtone.

It turned out that the ringing tone came from inside Roselyn's bag. Apparently, someone had called him.

Ruby quickly opened the bag brought by Roselyn, she immediately took her cellphone and saw who was calling

The contact is named "Selena" on the phone screen. Reluctantly Ruby pressed the green button. She put the phone to his ear.

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind the phone. The woman immediately spoke as if impatient.

["Roselyn, where are you? Are you still in the club? Sorry, I left you alone? You're not mad are, don't you?"]

Hearing the voice, Ruby softly replied, "Sorry Miss! It's me, Ruby! Roselyn is now with me, she's unconscious."

["What? Unconscious? What have you done to her?"]

Not wanting to be misunderstood by the woman, Ruby immediately opened the speakerphone so Reino could hear the conversation.

Ruby explained, "No! It wasn't like that. I didn't do anything to Roselyn. Earlier in the club, she was already feeling weak, and now she's unconscious."

["Where are you and Roselyn now?"]

"Now we're in the car. My boss is taking Roselyn home. But I don't know where her house is." Yes, that's true. She did not know Roselyn's home address. If she knew, maybe Reino had already driven his car to Roselyn's house, there was no need to threaten to 'take us to the grave'.

[Good! Just take her to my house!]

Ruby was confused by the woman's answer. 'Where's the house?'

She asked, "What is your address?"

Selena immediately told Ruby her home address. Worried that Ruby wouldn't really take Roselyn home, especially now that Roselyn was unconscious.

But Ruby's response allowed Selena to breathe a sigh of relief, "Okay! I'll take Roselyn to your house now!"

Reino also heard the address spoken by the woman, he knew, immediately drove his car to that address.

Finally Ruby can sit in the car quietly, Reino will take Roselyn back to her house according to the address that the woman said earlier. No longer taking us to the grave according to the threat earlier.


It was very late, there were not many vehicles passing by on the streets, so Reino could drive his car quickly.

It didn't take long for Reino to find Roselyn's home address. He immediately stopped the car when he got there.

"It's here! You can get out of my car immediately." Reino still pointedly said to Ruby, making Ruby uncomfortable.

He added, "You go home alone. You're not drunk, so I don't have to drive a sane person like you."

Reino was lazy to take Ruby home. Moreover, he is his subordinate, it is inappropriate for a boss to send his subordinates back to her home. That would make him even more daring later on. He didn't want that to happen.

Ruby wasn't a fool either, who kept a frown on her face, sat in Reino's car, and asked him to be driven home.

She immediately got out of the car and helped Roselyn to get off. Fortunately, now Roselyn is not as bad as before. So now she can stand on her own.

"Roselyn, we've arrived at your house. Come on in!" Ruby was still helping her to stand up straight, afraid that if she didn't help her she would fall.

"Oh, we've home?" Roselyn looked at the building in front of her. Now she is starting to be more aware

She staggered into the house.

Seeing that Roselyn had entered the house, Ruby immediately turned around, intending to go find a taxi.

Before Ruby could walk, suddenly Reino's sharp voice spoke again, "Is that how you are after being helped by other people?"

'She didn't even say thank you to me. What an ignorant woman.'

Ruby, who was already preparing to leave, immediately turned to look at Reino.

"What? Helped?" Ruby asked, "Who have you helped? Isn't that Roselyn? She should be the one thanking you. Not me!"

Ruby had run out of patience with her boss, who continued to be cold to her. Even his words were always sharp to Ruby.

"Hey, you're the same ___" Before Reino could finish his sentence, Ruby seemed to leave him indifferently. She walked away and got into the taxi.

"Aishh, dammit! What an ignorant woman." Reino hit the steering wheel in annoyance.

How could she just walk away and ignore him!

"Who is the woman who has given birth to a child like her? Must be the one who is out of luck."

Suddenly there was a sound of thunder at the end of his speech, accompanied by a bright flash of light in the dark sky that was shaped like a fibrous root. It gave Reino a slight chill.

He immediately started the car again. Felt that tonight was so scary. Is it a natural phenomenon or a hunch that something bad will happen?


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