You need a psychologist

March 15

The weather was not friendly again, in the sky that was so dark there was a flash of light accompanied by the sound of thunder that was quite loud. It was very strange, there was no wind, no rain, but the night was dark.

Right now, Reino was in a bad mood, he didn't want to go home right away, so he drove his car to Baran's nightclub.

Along the way, Reino's mouth didn't stop cursing. He was very annoyed with the girl who made him have to dirty his car seat which was sterile from the touch of women.

But earlier, if he had not helped Ruby and the woman, he was worried that they would not be able to return home safely. Moreover, the weather was very bad, there were no taxis there either, so he had to help her.

Yes, even though in the end Reino just took Roselyn home, and let Ruby go home alone by taxi.

Reino drove his car quickly, through the night on the already very quiet street. It didn't take him long to reach Baran's nightclub.

After the car stopped, Reino violently opened the car door and closed it. With big strides, he walked into the club, through the crowd of people who were enjoying the beat of the beat music, immediately landed his ass on the bar stool. He ignored a few people who shouted "ouch!" as his burly body accidentally nudged the bodies of those who were blocking Reino's path.


He shouted as he raised his three fingers. His gaze wandered around the Baran club. A cold look flashed from his eyes as Reino saw the women who were showing off their curves, dancing snakingly in front of the mashers. The men seemed to be enjoying with their eyes fully rounded and some of them were already struggling to get up on stage to attract the woman.

"So damn stupid!" the more.

He couldn't understand, how could the strongest creature on earth be subjugated by a disgusting creature called a woman?

Reino downed a shot of a drink that could make his tongue and throat burn in front of him. He doesn't care.

"Where's your boss?" Reino asked the bartender who was making drinks for the visitor next to him. His hands seem busy pouring several drinks mixed into one in a "drink shaker"

"What's up, bro! Why does your face look annoyed? Come on bro, enjoy life. Look! Many women are fascinated by your good looks. Try to choose one, you won't regret it."


Reino firmly rejected his friend's stupid idea. His hatred for the figure of women is getting more and more even more so that he has delivered two women who are very troublesome for him.

"Okay. Your cold attitude has never changed a bit. I as your friend just hope, there is someone who can melt your frozen heart like an iceberg on the northern mountain." Haha haha. Baran laughed ending his speech.

"Ahh, damn it. Shut up!" Reino looked at him sharply, "My heart isn't frozen, it's just that I don't like creatures called 'women'.

"Hey, don't keep thinking like that. Women aren't as bad as you think!" Baran put his arm around Reino's neck, lowered his head slightly, and whispered, "If you've tasted a woman's body, you'll definitely be addicted, no longer feel hate and disgust. Just try it once."

Baran suddenly let go of Reino, he raised his hand to call his girlfriend who was standing waiting for him.

"Come here baby!" Baran stood up. He smiled seductively at Reino, then turned to face the woman.

"Honey! Can we start now." Baran whispered in her ear, with one hand tugged at the beautiful woman's waist.

That beautiful woman wearing sexy clothes–nodding her head in agreement.

Baran asked again, "May I invite my friends to watch our game?" he pointed at Reino who was sitting there.

The woman saw Reino's cold gaze on him, it seemed that Reino didn't like her.

But the woman quickly replied, "Of course. You can invite him. But you have to make sure, later he won't interfere with our game." the woman kissed Baran's lips, teased him, touched Baran's body with her fingers.

"You calm down! He's just watching, won't bother us." Baran looked at Reino, he continued, "I just wanted to overheat him, so he couldn't stand it and ended up playing with one of the women here."

Yes, Baran just wanted Reino to keep all his hatred towards women. He wanted Reino to try to forget his trauma to women in this way.


The woman immediately pulled Baran into a room they used to use.

Don't forget Baran invited Reino to go to the room.


In a room that was quite spacious with a very comfortable bed, and two small sofas on the side of the room, Reino followed Baran in. He sat on the sofa lazily.

Meanwhile, Baran invited his woman to sit making out on the sofa opposite Reino. Let Reino watch live his game with the woman he chose tonight. This was the umpteenth time he had done this in front of Reino, but the cold man still wasn't the least bit interested in tasting what Baran was doing now.

Half drunk Reino could still clearly hear the two people in front of him moaning in pleasure. But Reino didn't feel anything. Is he still normal? I don't know, Reino can't be sure.


Reino then saw in disdain how the woman under Baran's control seemed to smile at him as if to show that what they were doing was the most delicious thing.

Reino then immediately stood up and left them before their game was over. Reino was too bored with Baran and his woman's sex style which looked disgusting to Reino.

"Where are you going bro?" asked Baran, pausing his movements for a moment when he saw Reino move from his audience seat.

"I'm home. I've had enough headaches for today's events!" Reino replied leaving and ignoring Baran's and the woman's screams who continued to connect. The woman really couldn't stand it if Baran stopped his movements when she wanted to get to the peak of her pleasure.

Reino then turned his head back to the door of the room. He doesn't understand why every time he comes to Baran's club. He never got a solution or enlightenment to his problem. The entertainment that Baran presented was never able to move his heart to join in the search and hunt for women he could control.

'You don't know how it feels like this?' Reino thought. Just looking at and meeting women, he was very lazy. Why does he hate women so much?

'I should have consulted a psychologist,' Reino thought.

Reino looked at his watch. It's almost three in the morning. He had to go home and rest. The next morning he had to go back to work. Even though he's the boss and owner of the cafe, he still has to come to the cafe.