Body Swap

It had been almost ten hours since Reino had first noticed something was wrong with his body. Yes! Somehow, his body got mixed up with the body of his new employee at the cafe -Ruby. He was very frustrated with his current state.

He kept thinking about the reason why he could switch bodies with Ruby. And the most extreme thing as long as he lived as a Reino this time he had to feel awkward with this new body.

Time for him to take a shower. Maybe he could stop himself from taking a shower, although with a bright red face he had to endure both shame and extreme fear when he finally had to go to the bathroom to urinate. But, for bathing, he has not dared to take the risk of removing the clothes attached to his body which is now in the form of a woman.

"Damn it!!!"

Reino cursed in between puffs of his cigarette. He didn't care about the people around him who looked at him strangely. How not, other people looked at him as a girl with a beautiful face with a sloppy appearance. Her hair that she tied carelessly was also an inappropriate sitting posture as a beautiful and elegant girl. Plus the puff of smoke that came out of the cigarette smoke that was incessant from his mouth. Until right on the fifth cigarette, he finally turned off the cigarette because he was tired of thinking about a way out of his problem, but he couldn't find a solution.

Reino couldn't stand this situation anymore. He could no longer bear to be trapped in a woman's body. His hatred for a woman seems to make him allergic to being close to women.

His dark experience had made him a man who hated a woman very much.

"I have to solve this body problem!" Reino muttered.

He finally pressed the contact button on his cell phone and pressed the call button on the name he chose "Damn Waiter".

"We have to meet! Tonight, I'll wait for you at the crossroads near my cafe!"

Without giving his interlocutor a chance to answer, Reino immediately hung up the phone.

Reino came out of a cafe that didn't belong to him. Of course! He couldn't freely roam around his cafe, moreover, he couldn't sit back and relax in it. Because right now, he was in Ruby's body. After all, he didn't want to be a waiter in his cafe. However, he also couldn't pass like Reino, because his body was Ruby. He didn't want his employees to think he was crazy if he had to insist on explaining what happened.


Reino's sharp eyes were fixed on the figure of the girl who was walking towards him. Reino's molars instantly rang as the girl stood right in front of him.

"You're late, twenty seconds!" Reino snapped, cold.

Ruby's eyes almost widened at Reino's words.

"Crazy! This man is insane!" Ruby muttered under her breath.

"Hurry and get in my car!" Reino's orders.

Without a fight, Ruby opened the passenger door of Reino's car and immediately landed her tiny ass on the soft seat of Reino's car.

"You think I'm your driver?!" cursed Reino.

Ruby, who heard a girl's shrill voice from the front seat, suddenly felt annoyed.

"Move forward! Sit next to me!" cursed Reino again.

Ruby's chest rumbled, if she didn't remember that the one who was cursing her was Reino in her body, of course, a hard slap had come to Reino's face. Ruby's heart was already heating up and she wanted to throw a punch on Reino's face, but she had to stop it because of course, she wanted to return to her body and live a normal life like before.

Ruby slammed the car door after she arrogantly sat down next to Reino.

Suddenly Reino turned to his side and widened his eyes. He was about to say his scathing words again before finally being cut off by Ruby's squeak.


Ruby glared back as she was glared at by Reino.

"I'll let you go this time!" Reino hissed.

Reino finally relented, because he didn't want to spend a lot of his energy constantly arguing with the girl next to him.

Shortly from the intersection where they met, they finally arrived at their destination. The nightclub when they first met accidentally and ended in a body swap tragedy.

Reino and Ruby got out of the car almost at the same time. They stared at the building in front of them. A tinge of confusion radiated and painted on their foreheads.

In their minds thinking hard, is it true that the old building in front of them is the nightclub they are going to?


Simultaneously Reino and Ruby spat out words in front of each other's faces full of astonishment.

Reino swiftly opened his cellphone and checked the history of the directions to the nightclub in question. And oddly enough, there was nothing wrong with the directions on his cell phone. All point to the old building.

Reino then looked confusedly at Ruby. While Ruby was no less confused with Reino.

Reino then approached the building and tried to find clues to his confusion. He circled the building, looking for anything that could be a clue, but to no avail. He didn't find anything. As the clock ticked on, he noticed that the hands-on his watch showed that it was almost midnight.

Exactly at 00.00

Suddenly they felt something strange with their bodies. Something creeps into their bodies. And suddenly the two of them seemed to teleport what they didn't understand until they returned to their respective bodies.

Reino and Ruby immediately felt a euphoric joy because their problems seemed to be resolved. Ruby squealed with joy as she returned to her body. He was incessantly groping his own body, and so was Reino. But only a matter of minutes, suddenly it seemed as if something was blocking their view and suddenly their vision darkened until they fell unconscious.


The atmosphere in the cafe kitchen at this time was very different from usual. There was no longer a cheerful atmosphere among the employees like the usual cautious days. Right now, there was only an awkward atmosphere.

Yes, how not? Right now, in the kitchen there is Ruby in the form of Reino's body working with enthusiasm, making the other employees feel surprised.

"Reino, what's really going on between you and Ruby?" Juan asked in surprise.

"Why are you and her swapping positions in this cafe now?"

Juan was silent for a moment, then he continued, "Did you and Ruby lose the bet? Makes you two have to switch positions like this?"

If not? How could a boss like Reino work as a part-time waiter in his cafe?

Ruby who heard it felt uncomfortable. This was her, not Reino.

"Yes! We lost the bet." With a heavy day, Ruby said it.

"We lost the bet, had to switch bodies for 20 hours."

"What are you saying?" Juan was surprised to hear Ruby's answer. "W-lost the bet, did--switch bodies?"

Why does Ruby say "Switch bodies"? She should have said, "Switch boss and employee positions."

'Aishh... Damn it!' Ruby cursed inwardly. She just realized what she had just said.

Quickly, Ruby confirmed her words. Afraid that Juan would misunderstand her even more.

"Eh, no... no! I mean, we switched positions. Hehe...."

Not wanting to continue to be awkward in front of Juan, Ruby immediately said goodbye, "I'll go first. Deliver this."

Not waiting for an answer from Juan, Ruby immediately took the tray and left Juan.