
"Home sweet home… there's no more comfortable place in this world than my soft bed, ah… it's comfortable…" Reino muttered.

Reino rolled over while rubbing his bedsheets as if he had not felt the pleasure of sleeping on the bed for a very long time.

Coming home from Baran's house, he immediately stepped on the gas pedal to his car's residence. The house he had not lived in for a long time. He always wakes up in Ruby's room. This time he missed the atmosphere of his room even though his body was still in the form of Ruby.

"Tonight, I want to sleep in this bed. I don't sleep well on the pink bed," he complained.

It is a lie! He could even sleep very soundly in Ruby's bed. Ruby's signature scent that clung to the pillows and sheets was very calming for Reino when he was about to sleep. There was a small part of his heart that balked at his cold attitude towards Ruby. Don't know when the smallest part of his heart always disturbed his inner peace.