Still about Money

At 11 pm, Reino reluctantly returned to Ruby's house.

Like it or not, he had to go back to Ruby's house, because this was his obligation. Trapped inside Ruby's body, means Reino is fully responsible for everything related to Ruby's life, including returning home.

Inside the house, Emmy was already waiting for him in the living room.

"Ge - good night, Mom!" awkwardly, Reino greeted.

He walked on towards his room.

Before he opened the bedroom door, he heard Emmy calling him.

"Here, honey! There's something I want to ask you!"

At first, Reino was a little hesitant to approach Emmy. But, when he saw Emmy's gentle face, he started to approach.

"Sit down!" Emmy patted the sofa beside her. Asked her daughter to sit down immediately.

Finally, Reino sat down beside Emmy.

"W-what's wrong, Mom?"

Emmy took a deep breath, then she started asking Ruby, "Honey, where do you keep the money your dad gave you?"