Breakfast with Farrel

That morning, in the room which was quite quiet, a faint yellow light could be seen streaming in through the gap in the window curtain.

Two women were still fast asleep on the bed hugging each other. She is Roselyn and Selena.

Suddenly, the sound of a cell phone ringing is quite loud. Roselyn, who was none other than Ronan, immediately opened his eyes and fingered the cellphone on the nightstand.

He immediately pressed the green button.

"Hello," said Ronan to the person on the other end of the phone.

Farrell: "Happy weekend, Roselyn!"

Turns out, he was Farrell. The senior brother likes Roselyn.

"Oh, yeah! Good morning! Hoamz!" Ronan yawned.

Farrell: "Did I disturb your sleep?"

"No! I should have woken up. What time is it?" Ronan looked at the clock on his cell phone. "8 o'clock, it's time to wake up."

Farrell: "Okay. Clean yourself first. In an hour, I'll pick you up at your place, okay?"