Bennie's Back Again

Reino waited for Ruby to enter his room with a sour face.

"You took so long!" Reino snapped.

"Oh yeah? I don't think I've been that long," said Ruby, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Reino snorted in annoyance. I don't know what pissed him off.

"Okay, forget the little debate earlier. We have something to take seriously. You know what I'm going to talk about now?" Reino investigated.

"What?" Ruby asked innocently.

"Damn it, Ruby!" Reino patted his forehead.

"What's your brain made of, that you're asking that question word?" Reino sneered.

Ruby's mouth immediately pursed, "Oh my! Can we start a conversation like normal humans? Don't you ever get tired of saying swear words to me? Haish ..." Ruby rubbed her face tired.

'How long will my ears be filled with Reino's curses,' Ruby cursed in her mind. Like a staple food.

"Ok forget it. Let's continue our conversation," said Reino lazily.