Ronan- Roselyn is sick

In the afternoon, Roselyn must return to wrestle in the world of acting. This time, she will compete acting with a woman who acts as her lover.

"Okay, let's get started!" shouted the director, after he directed a few scenes to the cast.

"Camera! Rolling... Action!" he shouted again, followed by a camera that began to highlight the two players who will compete acting.

"No, Delica! You don't do that! I promise, I will be responsible. I will marry you soon," said Roselyn, who plays Noel, Delica's lover.

Noel held Delica's hand with a sad expression on his face. In fact, her eyes looked watery. Maybe soon the tears will fall down.

"But when is Noel?" Delica threw Noel's hand away. She turned around, her back to Noel. "If you and your family don't come to my house by tomorrow afternoon, I won't hesitate to kill our child!" he threatened.