To Old Building

At noon, Reino's car was parked not far from the old building. After last night they agreed to find out what caused them to switch bodies again, finally today they arrived at the old building. Emmy was reluctant to let her daughter go on a business trip again with Reino's boss. Business trips are just their excuse to find a way out together from the problem of body swapping.

"Let's go down," said Reino slowly.

Ruby looked at the old building a little horrified. How not, the shape of the old building alone looks terrible with the ruins of the walls here and there. Slowly her steps approached the building and set her feet on the terrace of the old building. 

Reino slowly opened the door from the building. The squeaking sound of the old hinges echoed through the room. Plus the flying dust makes Ruby have to cover her nose to avoid the dust that is inhaled by her nose.

"We're splitting up!" Reino's orders.

"W-what?" Ruby is scared.