Four People

"Damn it, Ruby! You didn't listen to my orders!" Reino cursed. A typical curse where there is always the word damn it as an affirmation.

Ruby, who was already so enthusiastic of course, ignored Reino's warning. To her, the boss's cursing is just nonsense that she doesn't need to listen to. After all, she knew that Ronan and Roselyn were real people, didn't they?

"Roselyn!" exclaimed Ruby in a cheerful tone that was not made up. "And... Ronan is my idol!!!"

Ronan and Roselyn exchanged glances. Asking each other's opinion about Ruby's response, which is considered too excited.

Oh, no. Actually that's not what surprised them. But Ruby's cheerful tone was deemed inappropriate for a flat-faced man because they did not know that the body belonged to the icy cold Reino.

"You greeted them, but you forgot to greet me, young man!" scolded the grandmother, not wanting to be left behind. Her small body tucked in between Roselyn and Ronan's who were much taller.