Luz Del Alba : The Fighting

"We'll be fine, as long as we stick together."

As if hypnotized, Ruby and Roselyn immediately walked over to Ronan and Reino. It's like an impulse arises where they feel obliged to take care of each other.

Troy realized, his opponent is now not just Ronan alone. However, plus 3 other people whose faces he recognized as Cathleen, Raymond and Rebecca.

"Wow, whoa, whoa." Troy clapped his hands. "The would-be bodyguards of Princess Vanetta seem to be ganging up on me, here. Wow... I'm scared!" said Troy, feigning fear.

Troy's feigned expression of fear really made the four friends want to vomit. There's no cuteness at all. Everything looks so disgusting.

"Don't talk too much," said Ronan defiantly. "If you really dare, let's fight the four of us!"

"No. This is an unfair battle," Troy refused.

Reino laughed scornfully. "So you're afraid of us?" Reino asked in a mocking tone.