Endless Dreams

"But I have to hide where this crystal ball is. Wait a minute, let me think about it," she said, tilting her head characteristically when she was thinking of an idea.

"Oh, yes! I know!" she screamed.

"I'd better hurry and leave right now," she said.

Galina moved her wand. She created a black vortex portal for her to move to where she was headed. 

Galinea took the crystal ball somewhere. A very special place and no one would expect it. That place is her homeland. The place where she was born and learned magic from her mother. Her mother was one of the great magicians, so Galinea got all the great magic from her mother.

The vortex opened in a place with a very beautiful view. The meadows were still very green in that place. She saw that the flowers that he used to play with when she was a child were still growing very fresh.

"I'm finally back here," he mumbled.