
Ronan was really grateful that his power supply could charge the strange girl's cell phone that had been dying earlier. Ronan would be very sorry if he didn't have time to browse through the girl's cell phone again. That means, Ronan can't investigate the identity of the foreign girl any further.

 Why should Ronan know the girl's identity? Was it so that he could return the girl's phone back?

 Oh, of course not!

 If the phone that Ronan had found didn't belong to the girl he saw curled up on the carpet this morning, Ronan wouldn't really care. Wasting time. Ronan doesn't have other things to do, does he? Even if the girl needed her cellphone back, she would definitely do anything, including going to Ronan's apartment again, for example?

 But this is different. Ronan wanted to find the girl first, not the other way around.

 Ronan would not let go of a girl who could make his heart tremble even though they were never attached to each other.