A Gift for Ruby

"I don't know, should I just give up?" Reino whispered glumly.

"Give up before the war? Like you're not the only one, bro!" Baran mocked.

Reino took a deep breath. He leaned his head against the back of the sofa so his eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

"Come on, Reino. Conquering women is easy. It's as easy as snapping your fingers. What is your burden approaching Ruby? Just give her flowers or chocolates. Oh or does she really like dresses or jewelry? Don't be stingy, bro. Baran suggested.

"I don't know what she likes. I also never know what she wants right now. I can't give it without being clear about it," said Reino.

Haish… you don't need to know what she likes first. Just buy all the usual women want. Jewelry, clothes, shoe bags," said Baran.

"Shoes? I don't know her size" Reino said innocently.

"Jesus, Reino! Why did you suddenly become the stupidest person in the universe?" Baran complained while patting his forehead.