
Ruby cursed annoyed in her heart. Why does Reino have to be that cheerful, anyway? Can't the boss just question the things that are important to his subordinates? If it's like this, it's Ruby who gets hit by the stone!

"How come you look so upset?"

And Juan's question could never calm Ruby's heart.

"I'm not upset. I just don't like it when you guys make fun of it!"

"We're not making fun of you, you know. We just want to congratulate you because it looks like you and boss Reino are getting closer," Juan said at length. He knows very well that women are the most easily offended creatures of God. However, as a man Juan knows how to make Ruby melt again.

Deff couldn't help but stir again even though his hands were still busy flipping through the dishes. "Ah, I'm curious, are you actually dating or not?"

"Who do you mean?" Ruby pretended not to understand.

"Of course you and Boss Reino."