The unknown creature.

Kei who was waiting for Shima from outside Shima's classroom while his finger pressed on the mobile phone screen. Sometimes his eyes looked at the door of Shima's class which was still closed tightly, the voice of a man from inside Shima's class was heard to indicate that Shima's class was not over. Kei still with a mobile phone in his hand, he came across new news that is still hot in their city.

"This morning there were fifteen dead at the train station? "Kei whispered to himself.

He kept reading the news until he came across a picture of a dead woman. On the back of the woman there was a large claw and very deep in her wound. His eyebrows furrowed at the image of horrified death. He still kept reading and finally he smiled in panic.

"Is this a picture of an animal? "Kei was surprised to see a vague picture from the cctv at the train station.

"Hi Kei .. How long have you been waiting? Sorry bro, Mr. Vokie has a lot of stories too. By the way, do you know the news of the incident at the train station? "Shima chattered with her hand opening the photo on the mobile phone screen and pointing to Kei.

Kei smiled and also pointed to a vague picture like a monster or maybe a wolf.

"I just found out about this. Horrible duh! "Kei began to feel the hair on his arms rising as he rubbed his arm which felt cold horror.

"I can't believe it. Maybe it's just a deceptive picture. "Shima replied with her step starting to move leaving Kei from behind.

"That's cctv, Shima .. Isn't it possible that people want to edit anyway? "Kei shook his head slightly.

"If that's true. It can't be that big. What animals are so big? Bears aren't that big either. After all, the picture was like a wolf. Is there a wolf almost as tall as the train station? "They walked over to the locker for Shima to store her book.

"If you want to know for sure .. Let's go investigate? "Kei smiled at Shima who closed the locker with a puzzled face.

Shima thought for fifteen seconds before she nodded at Kei's suggestion earlier. If she wants to know the killer, she needs to investigate first.

"At six o'clock in the afternoon you wait in the usual place. "Kei replied after getting an answer from Shima.

He needs to know the monsters that are present in their city. If this has anything to do with the magic stories that his grandmother told before, chances are their city is in danger. But where do they come from? Why go to town [Livre de magia] Free of magic?

They both exited their classroom building, they both headed for the car park. Shima, who had been riding Kei since this morning, also got into Kei's car. Before Kei opened the car door, his eyes collided with his enemy Freddy and three friends next to him who also looked at him sharply.

Kei shook his head slightly before getting into his car. Shima who noticed Freddy standing far away from Kei's car, scolded his good friend.

"Ignore him. He didn't dare touch you. "Shima said while patting Kei's shoulder slowly and a sweet smile calmed Kei whose eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

Kei just smiled at Shima who was next to him. He was a little puzzled by Shima. Of late, Shima is no longer with Freddy. Impossible for them to split up? Freddy is not easily to change partners. Moreover, Shima is already more perfect in our school. Her politeness, beauty and she was smart too. Or is there something Shima is hiding from me?

"Do you have a problem with Freddy? "Kei asked when his car left the school grounds. Shima was silent and his eyes were just focused on the road.

"If you have a story you're hiding, you tell it to me. How do you know you can be less suffering all this time? "Kei tried to persuade Shima. Shima sighed a little.

"There's nothing really ... It's just about you and my family. "Shima replied who had just spoken. Kei's face was calm just hearing Shima's expression.

"Mama and papa doesn't like me with Freddy. You know Freddy's angry, jealous attitude. He's always squandered my life. Because of that, mama and papa doesn't want me to be with him. "Shima also expressed regret for the attitude of his papa's mama and Freddy.

"About you. He's just jealous my family can accept you. You and Freddy are no different. It's just that you don't have a lover. "Shima laughed a little at the end of the sentence.

"I know my attitude, that's why I don't want to find a lover. "Kei replied.

"Every relationship has a solution. Try to be honest with Freddy about how you feel as long as he treats you. Shima .. I'm a man, I know the pain when ignored. "Kei tried to give advice even though he himself didn't know how to live in love.

"I know ... But Freddy doesn't want to hear my opinion. "Shima sighed again.

"Slow talk, Shima .. He will hear your opinion in a long time. "Kei just replied to what crossed his mind.

"Okay .. Ignore first about me and Freddy .. Now it's about the strange creatures that appear in our city. "Shima changed the topic. She was uncomfortable when talking about her heart.

Kei nodded understandingly. Now Freddy and Shima's problem is not a big deal. But the existence of strange creatures that became hot news all over the city of Livre de magia !! Does this really have anything to do with the devil monster in the dark moon in magic history two hundred years ago ?! If so .. What do we need to do? Only a magician is able to defeat the creature.