The magician has a sign.

"Who is interfering with our work? That's the only chance we have. "The little girl growled. The boy next to her was just silent.

"Gojiy, why you silent. Our plan is ruined! "The girl shouted angrily.

"Shut up Sojiy. "The boy named Gojiy spoke up. Sojiy snorted.

' Why the death wolf and the half -cat tiger suddenly froze. Something stopped them. Is there power from the magician? If that's his power, how are we going to kill him ?! '

"All of you return to the castle. The half -cat tiger telling a king we need a new plans." Gojiy spoke and he immediately disappeared with a black shadow obscuring himself. Sojiy, on the other hand, started coming down from the balcony and was greeted by the wolves of death and they disappeared some black smoke obscuring them. The bird park became lonely and empty as if there were no occupants there.

Kei and Shima have just arrived at Shima's house. They both got out of the car, Shima turned to look at Kei who had just walked in front of her. A smile etched when Kei looked right at her.

"Why are you smiling? Didn't I endanger your life just now? "Kei asked puzzled, puzzled by Shima who suddenly carved a smile on him.

"Thank you. "Shima replied, still smiling.

"Thank you because I almost killed you? Is it weird that I see you, Shima? "Kei shook his head slowly.

"Nope. Thanks for still saving me, Kei. You will always find a way even if we are really in danger. "Shima said honestly. Kei was silent for a moment before he turned his gaze to Shima's mother who was just in front of the door while smiling at them.

"Your mom is out door, go in now. Take a shower and go straight to sleep. Don't think about it again, just assume nothing happened. "Kei slowly pushed Shima into his house. Shima snorted a little.

"Although there are many things I want to ask you, but it's okay .. Tomorrow there is still time for you to tell me everything. "Shima patted Kei's shoulder before she walked towards her mother. Kei smiled and also smiled at Shima's mother before he stepped inside into his car. In few seconds, Kei's car left the Shima residential area.

"Are you with Keishii, is there a relationship? "Mrs. Zuiey asked her daughter.

"Eh .. We're never have any relationship, ma. We're still friends as usual. "Shima replied with her lips pursed.

"Even if you two make love, mama and papa never cares. After all, mama likes him. He is a good man. "Mrs. Zuiey smiled. Shima shrugged her shoulders as a sign of not wanting to care.

"Hurm I've enters to my room and take a shower first. Kei told to me, to take a shower before going to bed. "Shima smiled at her mother and kissed her mother's cheeks for a moment. Her feet traced the stairs and headed to the room, she lay briefly on the bed taking up her lost energy earlier.

Shima closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. But the more she tried to clear her mind the more that strange creature's face appeared. Without thinking long, Shima reached for a towel and went straight into the toilet. She needs to clean her body.

Kei who was still on his way home, he only saw the road no one was driving cars, motorbikes or civilians. All the restaurants, all the shops are already closed. Kei began to think, because of the creature. Our country has changed one hundred percent.

Arriving at his house, Kei parked in the garage. He entered the house through the garage door. Her mother Mrs. Shenny who was in the living room with her father came up to her and hugged her son tightly with tears flowing.

"Ma .. What's wrong? "Kei asked strangely.

"Where are you going? You know our country is in danger. Don't be alone outside, son. "With a sigh from mama, Kei smiled bitterly. I've made mama and papa worried..

"I'm sorry ma. But Kei has to investigate where the creature came from. "He replied a little disappointed.

"Yes we know .. But please, you said just go for a while but it's been three hours since you left. We're worried if anything happens to you. "Mr. Siumi spoke up.

"I'm so sorry ma, pa. "Kei realized his mistake. He hugged his mama who didn't stop crying on his lap.

Within minutes his mother began to calm down and told Kei to enter the room and clean his body. Kei nodded in agreement with his mother's instructions. Kei entered the room and headed straight for the room window, seeing the beauty of the night. But tonight is not as festive as the previous nights. The whole city is dark, lonely like this place has no inhabitants.

Kei let out a small complaint. He tried to calm his slightly confused mind. Tonight was really tiring, even though they just ran away from the strange creature earlier, but it felt like they were running a sport. As he closed his eyes, a shadow of Shima appeared. Immediately he opened his eyes.

"Shima ... I'm sorry. I've put you in danger again. Next time I won't involve you. After all, the creature just wants me, I won't involve Shima again. "Kei began to make a promise in himself. Maybe it would be the last time he was with Shima.

Kei let out a small sigh, his eyes returning to the atmosphere of the night before heading to the mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror. He undressed and tried to look at himself and tried to look all over his body.

"Maybe there's a sign that I'm a magician? "He asked himself.

For over an hour, Kei looked at every corner of her body, neck and arms. Still there was also no sign that he had the last magician. Kei sat weakly on his bed with his head down.

' If there is no sign that I am a magician? How can they know I'm the last magician? ' Kei ruffled her hair. She got up and reached for a towel and headed for the toilet.

Kei cleans himself, he shampoos his hair with a little shower water and from the back of his body there is a small mark on the back of his neck in the shape of bird flying.