
Kei opened his eyes, he felt light piercing his eyes. He covered the light with the palm of his hand. He looked towards the kitchen. His mother's voice called his name. Kei got up from the sofa. He approached his mother's back, in the tight embrace of his mother's body. Like this body he can't hug anymore.

"Why Kei? Are you sick?" Mrs. Junyi turned and held his son's forehead. Try checking Kei's body temperature.

"I'm not sick .. I just miss you so much." Kei smiled at his mom.

"You think too much .. Let's eat .. Wash your teeth first." Kei nodded, his feet heading for his room. He saw Freddy again standing on the balcony of the room. Seeing the morning scenery.

"What do you think, Fred?" Kei approached him.

"Nothing .. Just look at the scenery in the morning." Kei saw Freddy's slightly depressed face.

"Wait for me, I want to take a shower .. After breakfast, we go to Shima's house .. I have something to make sure." Kei gently patted Freddy's shoulder. Freddy just nodded. He saw Kei was already missing behind the toilet door.

"Keishii .. You're so kind." Freddy looked at the rising sun. The eyes gradually turned red. He went back into the room, he lay down for a while on the bed and close his eyes for a moment.

"I don't have too much time, Keishii" Freddy smiled a little. His eyes looked at the toilet door.

"I'll try to survive until you get the full power of your magic." Freddy placed his hand on his chest before he looked at the book on Kei's study table.

"You're going to teach him, aren't you? Fullus and Plifer. They're still alive apparently." Freddy held the cover of the book in front of him.

A few minutes ago, Kei came out of the toilet. He saw Freddy still on the balcony looking at the sky. Kei again getting ready, he reached for his shirt inside the wardrobe. Freddy didn't change his gaze, he already knew Kei was out of the toilet. He needs fresh air, he needs to gather his energy for today. Kei sprayed perfume on his body. His eyes looked at Freddy who was smiling at him.

"Shima should be attracted to you. Spray perfume until it pierces my nostrils." Freddy shook his head slightly, he approached Kei.

"Eh? I don't spray too much, okay?" Kei slowly pounded Freddy's arm. They both laughed at the sight of their intimacy.

"Hi, does my son look happy today?" Mrs. Junyi spoke up when she heard her son's voice.

"There's nothing, ma ..." Kei gently rubbed his neck. Shame on his attitude in front of his parents.

"Sit down Freddy. Make it your own home." Mr. Siumi invited Freddy to sit at the same table with them when he saw the man just standing behind the kitchen door. Freddy smiled a little and sat down next to Kei.

While at the dining table, only the voices of Kei, Mrs. Junyi and Mr. Siumi could be heard. Freddy just smiled hearing the chatter out, most of Freddy daydreaming a lot from feeding the sandwich into his mouth. Kei sometimes notices Freddy's attitude. He finally took Freddy to the car first.

"Kei and Freddy want to meet Shima. I will call when I come back late at night." Kei kissed his mom's cheek and hugged his dad tightly.

"Be careful my son." Mrs. Junyi waved to his only child from a distance. Until Freddy's car disappeared from sight.

"Everything will be fine." Mr. Siumi convinced his wife.

At Shima's House ...

"Shima is at home, aunty?" Kei asked when he and Freddy stood in front of the door of the house. Mrs. Zuiey smiled at Kei and Freddy. She was also surprised when Kei and Freddy came together.

"Come in first. Aunt called Shima down." Mrs. Zuiey invites Kei and Freddy into the house. Mrs. Zuiey climbed the stairs to the top floor. Kei and Freddy are sitting in the living room. In the hands of Kei remained faithful to his book.

"Fred .. I want you to know something." Kei spoke up when he was sure no one was with them.

"About what?" Freddy asked a little confused.

"About you and Shima." Kei tried to catch Freddy's attention.

"I'm with Shima, we're friends as usual." Freddy said without a reaction on his face.

"Parents Shima does know?" Kei asked.

"They know. Shima told her parents yesterday when you slept in the car." Obviously Freddy. Kei just nodded understandingly.

"Kei, Freddy .. Why did you come? There's no text to tell me?" Shima just came down from the top level. Kei and Freddy smiled a little.

"I have something to tell you guys." Kei began to get his face serious. Freddy on the other side just listened without any reaction. Shima who was standing immediately sat next to Freddy.

"About what?" Shima smiled, her face showing that he couldn't wait to hear what Kei had to say.

"About the head of the creature." Kei spoke but slowly. Mrs. Zuiey came with a tray containing two glasses of cappuccino water. Kei and Freddy smiled at Mrs. Zuiey, without being asked. Shima already understood the tension between Kei and Freddy who were silent for a while.

"Ma .. Can you let us talk? We have a word to talk about class subjects." Shima gently patted her mother's hand. Mrs. Zuiey understands her daughter's wishes, after all this is the first time ... Freddy and Kei come to her house. Mrs. Zuiey wakes up, Kei and Freddy apologize to Mrs. Zuiey who starts walking away with a gift of a smile.

"Shima .. We're sorry for your mother. I don't intend to make her away." Kei felt guilty.

"It's okay, Kei. My mother should understand." Shima smiled.

"Why with the head of the creature? Some people involve us with their head?" Freddy returned to their topic.

"No .. But the chief of the creatures who controls all the creatures." Kei put his finger on his chin. Freddy and Shima notice Kei's movements. Kei is mostly a little different.

"Err .. Kei .. Usually you don't like to put your fingers near your chin?" Shima asked puzzled. Kei was silent for a moment, he just noticed the change.

"I don't know. Spontaneously." Kei laughed a little. Freddy just looked at Kei without a any reaction .. Shima next to him also laughed like Kei.

"If it's true that the leader of those who control all the creatures ... What do you want to do?" Freddy is still serious. Their laughter stopped when they heard Freddy's question. Kei grabbed his chin again, Freddy could already feel something. Shima just pointed to a confused face to see Kei who had changed a little bit.

Kei looked at the book in his left hand. He smiled a little, he might not be able to defeat the devil monster alone. He needs his power, he needs to memorize this book before he goes to practice with Plifer and Fullus. Chances are he will leave his world in a few months or a few years. After that what will happen to his city? Will it be destroyed? How is he going to save his family? His friends? Lay people?

"Tsk. This is beyond my ability." Kei looks confused. Freddy could feel Kei thinking of something.

"I'll take care of this city and your parents. It's just that I can't survive for a month or maybe three years." Freddy's voice made Shima and Kei look at him.

"I'm just saying what I think .. You must want to go back to the world of magic, right? Alas .. I've become your comrade. As long as you're gone, I'm trying to gather the people of our city from the killing of that strange creature. "Freddy smiled, he forgot about the change earlier. Shima slapped his arm while shaking slightly.

Kei in front of his friend looked at Freddy who was smiling in front of Shima. Although he knows who Freddy really is, but this guy has no power. Three years in the human world is equivalent to a year in the magic world. There must be various things going on here, chances are when he returns, he won't be able to save the people here. Kei gritted his teeth

"I promise. Three years is enough for you to get your magic, Kei." Freddy's face was neither smiling nor laughing but seriously, Kei smiled cynically.

"Okay ..." Kei replied with a serious face.

"Hey .. Don't make a face like that, you guys seem to want to fight anyway." Shima pushed Freddy's face away slightly.

"I will follow you, Kei. Wherever you go, I will be with you." Shima smiled. Kei smiled slightly before nodding slightly.

"But .. You need to tell everything to your parents. I don't want any problems." Kei sounded serious. Shima nodded even though Kei had changed a lot.

"I need time to be on my own for a few months. So don't bother me when I'm alone again." Simply said Kei. Shima and Freddy looked at each other before they nodded understandingly.

He needs to finish this book before the day comes when he fights the devil monster in the dark moon. Kei smiled a little at the sight of Freddy and Shima's faces looking at him.

'They are stubborn. I have to fight for two different worlds. ' He looked at her palms.

'I need to destroy all those devil monsters and also the king of demons.' Kei whispered to himself with his fist tightly clenched.