Meeting room.

In a room filled with candles and a round table accompanied by a candle. Some half -beast demons came and sat at the round table, again awaiting the arrival of Fullus and Plifer. A man speaks up when not seeing the arrival of Fullus and Plifer.

"Is it true what Plifer said? It is not possible for humans to have demons and magic at the same time? It is impossible for humans."

"We half -devils don't even have those two powers. The demonic powers are very dangerous to humans."

"There's no way the boy has that much power."

"Can you guys stop talking? We'll hear from Plifer and Fullus. They're both investigating the boy." Grilly's voice was heard sitting in a chair specially for her. They all fell silent after hearing Grilly's voice.

Plifer and Fullus opened the door and entered the round table. Plifer from behind closed the door, so that the children did not hear their conversation. Fullus placed some books on the table. To their surprise they saw the book.

"Lylia please distribute all these books." Lylia a half -blind little girl approached Fullus. She distributed the book using her power. Finishing her task she stood next to Plifer.

The half -beast demons looked at the contents of the book. It's all about the boys being hot news in their world. They were a little surprised to see the boy's face, not the same as the magician's or like them. How can this boy have magical and demonic powers?

"As the chief saw the picture of the boy. He has two names but in his world they call him Kei. His name is Siumi Keishii or his real name is Drieshan Keishii." Grilly looked at Fullus in disbelief. Fullus's face was serious in her eyes.

"How do you know he's the son of a magician king?" The man next to Grilly Speaks.

"His grandmother once came here a year ago. To re -submit the book Ability to Use Power and now Keishii uses the book to summon and use his power." Fullus replied.

"His grandmother? You don't say it's Drieshan Nori." Surprised all heard the name mentioned in the man next to Grilly.

"Yes. Drieshan Nori came and message something for me when the chief and empress found out about it." Fullus looks back at the face of Grilly who is their empress since the dead king was killed and the queen was kidnapped by the devil king.

"What's in the message?" Grilly asked as Fullus's eyes stared at her.

"By the time her grandson is seventeen, the devil monster in the dark moon will arrive in the human world. They will probably find her grandson, so Drieshan Nori asks us to help her grandson. That is Drieshan Keishii the last son of king Drieshan Keshin and queen Drieshan Vorina. " Fullus finished his words.

"Why don't you tell us about this?" Grilly spoke loudly.

"I'm sorry my empress, I wasn't allowed to tell the empress that day. Drieshan Nori didn't want the chief and empress to know about her." Fullus bows to apologize so do Plifer and Lylia, though Plifer doesn't know about it but he is Fullus' subordinate.

"Why? Wasn't she killed with the king?" Grilly whispered to herself.

"Not my empress, the king managed to use his power to send Drieshan Nori and baby prince Drieshan Keishii to the human world." Fullus said again. The more surprised the chiefs there heard the explanation from Fullus.

"Fullus .. I want to know everything from the incident that hit the palace. I don't want you to keep anything secret from us." Her heart grew hotter when she did not know the story of the incident. But, Fullus over -knew the incident of the king's death and the loss of the king's son two hundred years ago.

Fullus saw every face of his chiefs and empress awaiting his story. Fullus took a small breath before he started the story told by Drieshan Nori. It was time for the empress and chief to accept Keishii, he looked at Plifer behind him. Plifer helped him a lot, but he didn't think so ... Plifer was aware of the mark on Kei's neck.

"Forgive me for taking too long to reveal what happened two hundred years ago. Now I will tell it all. But I ask, let no one force herself to tell it all. I will call on Drieshan Nori's spirit to explain everything." Tell Fullus to close his eyes.

"Don't Fullus!" Plifer behind him blocked Fullus.

"Why summon Drieshan Nori's spirit?" Grilly asked.

"Because she has died in the human world due to his old age." Tell Fullus.

"Died?" Grilly asked puzzled.

"In the human world, their time is faster than the time in the magic world." Fullus explained.

"Then let me guide you to summon Drieshan Nori's spirit. You've used too much of your power." A man next to Grilly.

"Thank you Slieve." Grilly smiled at her brother.

"Start Fullus." Said Slieve. Fullus nodded.

"O queen of spirits .. O queen of spirits .. I want to meet the spirit of Drieshan Nori. Call her and put her in my body." Fullus called out the name of the queen of spirits. Light came around Fullus and Slieve.

"O queen of spirits .. I want to meet the spirit of Drieshan Nori. Call her and put her in my body .." Fullus repeated a second time.

"I'm ready to go inside your body." The voice greeted Fullus's ear.

"Please ..." Fullus said slowly.

The light gradually disappeared. Fullus let go of Slieve's hand, he opened his eyes. Fullus smiled at everyone in front of him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for my arrival." A woman's voice came out of Fullus's mouth.

"Drie-Drieshan Nori!" Shouted the chief there. Nori smiled.

"Drieshan Nori .. Tell us everything, I don't want you to ride in my son's body for too long." Tell Grilly with a worried face.

"All right, Empress Grilly." Nori nodded understandingly.

"I'll tell you a short story but clearly." Nori sat in the chair in front of her.

"Time before the destruction of the palace. The king has announced to the people in the palace about the presence of the devil monster in the dark moon. The king asks the magician to protect you, half -beast demon. After an hour the magician is in their place and the king also protects the queen and his son. "Nori told the story by placing her palm on her chin.

"After a few hours waiting for the arrival of the devil monster. King Keshin approached queen Vorina who was again supporting their son. They stared at they babies face for the last time and I came wanting to meet the king and queen but suddenly a black shadow was behind the king." Nori held back her anger.

"The king of demon came with two of his men. They tried to capture the queen and her son. But the king managed to use his power to stop them from kidnapping the queen. While the queen came to me, the king was stabbed by a subordinate of the devil king. The queen left their children to me, and the king sent me into the woods. "

"Baby Keishii cried in fear until a human woman came to us. I thought, I might die here. But the woman saved me and Keishii. Until now, Keishii was raised by humans without harboring hatred and even taking care of Keishii like a child them and finally my day has arrived, I didn't have time to teach Keishii to use his powers. " Nori saw Keishii's face in the book.

"Why did you say you didn't have time? Wouldn't that power come on its own even if you didn't ask." Grilly asks, she wonders why the boy never used his power.

"Because I lock the djin and the demon. I don't want the demon king to know that the son of king Keshin is in the human world. The boy is the last and I don't want the boy to die without seeing his new world." Nori looked at Grilly's face.

"I heard from Fullus, that you don't believe Keishii is the last magician, do you?" Nori let out a small complaint.

"Did you forget? Keishii is the son of a magician and half the son of a demon." Nori still saw Grilly nodding.

"I remember, but I didn't think the slave was the son of a king and a queen." Grilly spoke up.

"The king and queen didn't have time to show their son's face to the magic world. Keishii actually has a head like you and his body is like a magician's but since human mercenaries came and cursed the king's son became fully human. Because of that, we are enemies with humans." Nori opens the real story.

"How can humans come into our world?" Slieve suddenly spoke.

"Long before the king married a half -beast demon, queen Vorina. He had promised the human king to protect the human world, but because the king could not keep his promise. The king decided to make peace with the human king and eventually they became enemies. When the human king got the news king Keshin and queen Vorina had a son, Drieshan Keishii. The King of Man had hired a magician to curse the king's son. " Nori stood up. Grilly looked at Nori who was already starting to come out of her son's body.

"Nori, I will guide the king and queen's son." Grilly held Fullus' hand.

"My grandson. He's the one who can take all our revenge, Grilly. Take care of him for me, don't let him make the wrong choice." Nori smiled at Grilly and held Grilly's cheek, longing for her to queen Vorina.

"I'll go first ..." Light returned around Fullus and Grilly.

'Goodbye, Drieshan Nori. Thanks for everything.' Grilly's smile held back the tears from dripping. Fullus returned from his body. He saw Grilly's face holding his hand. He smiled a little.

"You've succeeded, Fullus." Grilly hugs her son.

"Not yet. We haven't succeeded yet, my empress" Fullus whispered to Grilly. Grilly nodded understandingly.