Freddy grandma house.

Kei again holding the steering wheel looked at Shima who was sitting next to him. Freddy in the back just smiles in front of the smartphone. Maybe chatting with a teenage girl at the restaurant earlier. Eyes refocused on the road. The day had shifted to evening, they only had a few hours left to go out together.

"Fred .. Did I send you back or did you sleep in my house?" Kei suddenly asked.

"Send it to my grandmother's house, she asked me to stay with her tonight." Freddy replied without looking at his friend.

"I'll send you back first, Shima. Your parents will be worried." Kei glanced at Shima, Shima as usual just smiled and nodded. Kei calmly just looked at Shima who wasn't talking much now.

"I look at you, Shima. You looks like a caterpillar." They are teased.

"I am not a caterpillar." Shima chuckled.

"It's not like I knew you before .. Now you're shy with me." Kei smiled cynically and slightly reminisced.

"Tch .. Not like that." Shima smiled shyly, she looked at the window next to her covered in embarrassment. Freddy just smiled at the pair of lovers in front of him. He returned the girl's chat at the restaurant earlier.

"Not true? Your face must be red, right?" He is teased again with an engraved smile.

"Tch .. Stop it, Kei." Shima slapped Kei's spoiled shoulder, holding back embarrassment.

Just arrived at Shima's house. Kei and Shima got out of the car while Freddy just got out of the car and sat in the front. Kei and Shima walk until they are right in front of the door of Shima's house. Shima smiled at Kei who calmly looked at her.

"Go in." Kei sighed when he saw Shima smile at him.

"Urm .. Okay .. Be careful and drive safe. After sending Freddy, you go straight back. Do not go anywhere." Shima gave the order as always. Kei nodded with an order from his lover.

"Yes, my princess. I will follow my princess's wishes." Kei joked, Shima smiled at Kei's comment.

"Go in there. Send greetings dear to your parents." Kei joked again before walking away leaving Shima in front of her house door.

"All right my prince." Shima smiled and waved to Kei who also responded to her wave and walked backwards. Kei ran a little to his car. When he saw that Shima had entered the house, then Kei would get into his car. Not long after, Kei's train immediately hurried away from Shima's yard.

Freddy next to Kei just looked towards the road. They were both silent for a moment. Freddy closed his eyes for a moment before he opened his eyes and turned orange for two seconds. Freddy glanced at Kei next to him for a moment before opening his voice.

"It's been two months since you spent time with that book, Kei." Freddy showed the book in the back seat.

"It's been a long time since you've appeared half -magic." Kei replied, he already knew who was talking to him.

"I can't always go out and talk to you. Later Freddy's body will be weak." The half -magic also responded.

"May I ask?" Kei frowned slightly.

"Ask me."

"Why did you say Fred didn't know that I knew who you and he were." Kei asked.

"When I show up, Freddy's spirit will be asleep. When I don't show up. Freddy's spirit is still asleep for fifteen minutes. So he feels like he's asleep." Clearly half that magic.

"Oh ..." Kei nodded slightly.

"I showed up just to tell you something." Half the magic just glanced at Kei.

"I can feel in two months they will show up." The half -magician now sees Kei's slightly pale face.

"How do you know?" Kei glanced at Freddy's face.

"I'm not sure but that thing happened, chances are your time isn't here." The magic half was voiceless. Kei stopped the car on the side of the road, he needed full attention to that magic half.

"What else do you know?" Kei started to ask.

"That's all." Half the magic is trying to cover something up.

"Don't cheat! I know you must be hiding something. Half magic may have no power but they can see the future. No .. They do see the future. So tell me everything." Kei started to force. Surprised a little half magically to see Kei's change. But he only had a small smile.

"Like king Drieshan." Half the magic whispered but could be heard by Kei, Kei frowned slightly.

'My lord's son has grown up my lord. Prince Drieshan is as mature and mature as my master. 'He whispered.

"Half the magic, tell me everything!" Kei is still pushing.

"All right, but I can't be long. Tomorrow I'll tell you, so I'll get Freddy to sleep at your house." Half -magically a small smile, he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Calling Freddy's spirit to wake up.

"All right, I'll wait." Kei whispered to his. He took the steering wheel again and headed for Freddy's grandmother's house.

In fifteen minutes, Freddy woke up. He glanced at the street and Kei's face. Soon to arrive at his grandmother's house, he held up his smartphone and sent a short message to his grandmother.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep earlier." Freddy's voice as his hand pressed the screen of his smartphone.

"It's okay, you must be tired." Kei smiled a little. Freddy just nodded.

They were both silent all the way to Freddy's grandmother's house. Freddy briefly looked at the road for a moment replying to the chat while Kei just focused on the road without looking at Freddy at all. His mind was confused, thinking of the day his city was under attack.

Kei to some extent started to change only Freddy didn't know how much Kei had changed. Maybe what the half -magical spirit inside him told him was true. Kei changes like his master is a half -magical spirit or is known as the king of magicians. Anyway he has to perform the task of taking care of Kei even from a distance.