The real Keishii.

In the magic world ...

Plifer and Lylia are interacting with Fullus about Keishii's daily development.

"Plifer, what's happening to Keishii now? I'm feeling a dangerous power right now." Fullus held his slightly dizzy head. Upon hearing from Fullus, immediately Lylia saw a ball of water, the light surrounding Kei radiating all over the area.

"What light is that?" Asked Lylia who was shocked, Plifer who was in front of her looking towards the water ball, he was also shocked.

"Fu-Fullus .. Kei is interacting with the Queen de-de-demon!" Stuttering, he said, the light that started to turn red made him sure, it was not the light from the magician, it was the light of the demon only.

"Aren't you looking wrong ?!" Fullus who heard was also shocked.

'Is Keishii in danger right now?' Fullus was confused, he could not get out of the room. His power was getting weaker as long as he was in this room.

In the human world ...