A new member.

"What about the situation of Number Four?" Roggi began to speak after seeing Freddy just come out of the tent. Kei who was preparing the food also looked at Freddy.

"She woke up earlier, but now she's sleeping with grandma Gu and Shima." Freddy replied as he sat down in front of Kei and Roggi. 

"Oh, that's good ..." Roggi began to calm down. Kei just nodded.

"Well .. You need to eat too." Kei handed out a noodle soup to Freddy and Roggi.

"Thanks prince Kei." Roggi smile.

"Thanks Keishii .." Freddy smiled a little.

"Now what are we going to do?" Roggi asked when the three of them just silently stared at the fire.

"We'll wait until tomorrow ..." Kei replied.

"We're going to sleep in a tent, it looks like the weather is going to rain." Freddy spoke up. The three of them looked up at the dark night sky.