
They walk towards Duendera and Roggi who are with the goddess changer group. Duendera begins to introduce Kei and the others to her group.

"You All I will introduce them for you, this is master Kei, master Shima, grandma Gu and Freddy." Duendera pointed one by one to her group. 

"Number Four, how can you come here with humans? Isn't this place dangerous to them? And why is Snako's defector also with you ?!" The half -human young woman spoke in astonishment. 

"Err, actually .." Duendera stuttered a little, she didn't know how to start the story.

"It's a long story, but we can talk about that later, now I want to meet your leader?" Kei cuts off Duendera who is trying to construct a sentence.

"Why do you want to meet our leader, who are you and what on your business with our leader?!" A half -human teenager speaks up. 

"Who am I? I'm the leader of my group, so it's not wrong for me to meet your leader, is it?" Kei said semi -seriously.