The plum blossom easy number

My name is Shao Ye, 20 years old this year, just graduated from college, and now I am living in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. I have been particularly interested in metaphysics since childhood, and I am not willing to live a mediocre life. In the middle of being unemployed, I share an apartment in a community with a college classmate.

My family is mainly in the real estate business in Heyuan, so my family's economic conditions are quite good, so I can live without a job, but I don't want to ask for money from my family, so my life is still very tight, if I don't look for a job, I will not be able to make ends meet.

Today is as usual, alone in the apartment reading books, read the supernatural novel all know, in the Taoist world, there are a total of mountain, medicine, life, appearance, divination five categories, it is said to be proficient in one can be a master, proficient in more than two can be a master, five masters can be immortal!

Most people should be interested in mountains or medicine, because it is more practical, but I am interested in fate, facies and divination, I don't know why, maybe I want to see the fate of human beings.


The phone rang and it was a message sent by my apprentice. Tomorrow was her graduation ceremony and she asked me if I wanted to go. I smiled and gave her a word back: go.

Speak of me the disciples, and some fate, her name is Claudia, is my high school classmates, long not beautiful, but very cute, since her grandfather died, her family is all sorts of strange bad happens, so she is interested in the metaphysics, know that I have a research on their bligh, she was very serious worship me for the teacher, but she study in guangzhou, I didn't also the chance to teach her, Just in time to visit her.

Anyway, tomorrow is the graduation ceremony, I'm not in a hurry in the past, have to continue reading the book, this is a linen god, believe that many people have seen, I have read the book several times, feeling every time watch has a different harvest, just about the time, look this a few pieces but I will not go into the door, because everyone is the same, the complexion of the so-called black Yin tang, Yin tang I knew, But this black really can not see, so I can not help but think, the ancient Xiangshi is not a kind of Qi art? Lookout qi, perhaps is the key to physiognosy bar!

In the afternoon, my roommate RuiChao came back, he is open martial arts training class, but although he has been practicing martial arts since childhood, is a real martial arts master, but in the training class to teach are some ordinary kung fu, sometimes I will learn kung fu with him, he gave me all his money, is my half master.

"Super elder brother, you today print hall hair black, big fierce of trillion!"

I put down the hand of the book, a face of concern of say, he smiled scold 1, roll calf, you just print hall hair black!

OK, I admit I'm joking, mainly because he runs outside all day and gets the same sunburn as African refugees. Is it right to say that he Yintang is dark?

Time is not early, I then said a few words with him, ready to take a car to Guangzhou, he listen to me say that is a female apprentice, then a face mean smile: "master and apprentice abuse love, play..."


Liu Ying's school is located in Conghua. From Huizhou to Conghua, it will take two hours at the fastest. There was also a traffic jam on the road.

To her at the school gate, I looked it over carefully, the university is located in somewhere at the foot of the mountain, from the gate to look inside, there is a long road, according to feng shui, the anchor ring water, backer, this condition is satisfied, but no water, but the school there is a lake, it is not bad, the campus avenue, is not a straight line, also can avoid the evil spirit.

Of course, I didn't do much research on feng shui, so I looked at it for a while and then shifted my attention. It turned out that there were very few people nearby. There was a beautiful girl standing opposite me, looking at the school from time to time as if she was waiting for something.

According to my habit, into the university, I was straight on foot, but looked at the school road, and then look at that girl, I suddenly feel, maybe walking is not a wise choice.

So I went over, smiled politely at the girl and asked, "Hello, is there a sightseeing bus in your school?"

The girl leng once, looked at me one eye, seems to see that I was to attend the graduation ceremony, then also polite smile, way: "yes, I am also waiting for the sightseeing bus."

I said thank you, and then stood beside her, I this person is relatively shy, not good at chatting with girls, especially beautiful girls, so standing there is a little embarrassed, the girl casually asked me a few words, said is not to attend the graduation ceremony, I said, and then asked her is also a senior? She said she had already graduated and had come to attend the graduation ceremony of a younger sister.

Two people didn't have a line of talk, later if can't find the topic, then and in a quiet waiting for sightseeing car, fortunately, sightseeing car will arrive soon, get on the bus after I sat down with her tied, sightseeing car, there are several good boys, from time to time to look here, I know that they see not I, but the pretty girl beside me.

Sightseeing car seven around eight around, stopped in a circular square, paid two dollars after the fare, I will get off the car, the beautiful woman with me after the sound of a bye, then left alone, two people meet by chance, there is no need to leave each other's name.

I looked around and was about to call my apprentice to ask where he was when I suddenly had an idea and counted out the hexagrams with the plum blossom Yi.

Risked bligh three intraoperative, plum flower number belongs to one of ABU, pay attention to random hexagrams, anywhere, at any time, even own the simple version of, but it is based on the book of changes, combined with the innate and acquired gossip, include the universe, deep place can do everything, is also very much, but of the song dynasty master metaphysics, shao set.

I at this moment of time as the benchmark, the hexagrams, complex Numbers, and own the rapid change of, the three is the basis of the number of the plum blossom is easy, is also the essence, zhouyi sixty-four hexagrams, I would have torn down in the heart, so soon to three sticks, this terms is to day, because I am a divination my apprentice, so she is the main body, I am the object, thus result in day is my disciple, sticks to is me, The spirit of the hexagrams goes down, the spirit of the earth goes up, and the spirit of the heaven and the earth meet. The implication is that I want to go up, and my apprentice needs to go down, so that we can meet. Then according to the day after tomorrow, the Eight Diagram azimuth, Kun is southwest, dry is northwest, that is to say, dry in the north of Kun azimuth.

In combination, in my due north direction, there should be a highland, or a staircase, on which my apprentice will be mounted, and when I pass it, she will descend!

At this point, I went to the due north, thinking as I walked, Fu Gua was a Lei Ze to a younger sister. On the upper part, she was a long man, and on the lower part, she was a young girl. From the long man, the girl developed love for me. And then it's an infidelity, so it's an unnatural combination, right?

The implication of the hexagrams is that if you violate the common sense, your path will lead to poverty, and you will always suffer disasters. Only by cultivating your morality and giving up delusion can you turn danger into danger.

At the thought of this, I felt a thaw in my heart. I still had some confidence in my divination. Every time I told the hexagrams, I didn't make any mistakes, and what the hexagrams showed was not unreasonable, could it be?

I dare not think about it anymore, but I could not help but be curious, and looked at the gua, the gua of the hexagram in the line of the nine or three Yin lines, yaocai words being: no flat no slope, wuxin no longer; Be steadfast, be free from sin, be ungrateful, be blessed in eating.

There is no road that is always straight but never incline, and there is no one who travels forever and never returns. Although the journey will be difficult, there will be no disaster in the end, so there is no need to worry about returning, and there will also be a good meal.

I am guessing that I may be returning to Huizhou. I am calling every single line of statements, and I don't have to worry about when I will return or if I am in trouble. On the contrary, I will have good luck in my mouth.

Obviously, even though Liu Ying loved me, it was impossible for her to get married, which only meant that her parents would come to the school and we would go back to her house together at the end. It would make me a little nervous, but I would finally have a good meal. Therefore, this meal should not be my apprentice's invitation, but I would go to her house to have dinner.

The original intention is that the monarch personally comes to the world and governs the country. This is reflected on me and my apprentice. I am the king and my apprentice is the minister.

After analyzing the three hexagrams, I felt a little strange. In the past, though I could figure out the hexagrams by counting the plum flowers easily, it seemed not as clear and clear as today. Moreover, although I did get the results of the hexagrams, I did not know the specific reasons.

I looked up. There was a large classroom ahead of me. I needed to go up the stairs.

On the ladder, many graduates are taking photos, when I go up, suddenly heard someone called me, not my apprentice Liu Ying who is? She is wearing a white shirt, a black skirt, a red tie on the shirt, black hair into a beautiful ponytail, it seems that Liu Ying is more beautiful than before.

"Teacher, finally wait until you, right, how do you seek over?"

Liu ying a see me then happily ran down, I looked at her that high-heeled shoes, hurriedly let her slow point walk, don't fall, she hee hee hee smile, to my front, pull my hand way: "nothing, teacher, you haven't answered my question?"

I smiled and said, I was calculated out of you believe it?

She nodded seriously, a pair of firmly believe in the appearance, let me prepared words have no chance to say, said she then pulled me to the big classroom walk, walk while said the weather is too hot, hurriedly go in to blow air conditioning.

Conghua in June, even in the evening, still hot, in the big classroom, there is air conditioning blowing, indeed as expected a lot better, big classroom full of people, many leaf warbler took after I sat down in the first few rows of, there are two empty seats, she pointed to the sat me down and said that is her next to the teacher elder sister, also is to attend her graduation ceremony.

When I saw that sister, Leng, she is not I met at the school gate that?

When she saw me, she was also shocked, but she reacted quickly and said with a smile that we had met again.

Liuying surprise of way: "do you know?"

I then just the matter probably said the next, liu ying said with a smile is really fate, that will be better.

After sitting down, I glanced around, quickly take back the eyes, tomorrow is the graduation ceremony, today is only they take graduation photos, so the graduates call friends, this classroom will be so crowded.

"But Xun Zeng, I would like to introduce you to her. This is my teacher, who is very kind to me. Sister, this is the master I've been telling you about, who is proficient in metaphysics, magic and history. His name is Shao Ye, which sounds similar to "young master", so everyone calls him "young master".

But Xun Zeng looked at me curiously. Her eyes were as bright as the moon, and her eyes were as bright as the autumn water. It showed that she was very intelligent.

"Master, are you helping elder sister to read the face?"

But Zeng Yaxun looked at me, so Liu Ying asked with a smile, I nodded slightly: "Xun is a kind of jade, elegant Xun is jewels, mei-yu symbol of good moral character, the name should not just for your wishes and expectations, mei-yu five lines of gold, see you again on eyebrow, intelligent character, delicate shape, shows you are wood pedestrians, you five lines of wood, eight short of gold, and this year is in soil, native gold, you will walk the universiade this year."

"Five high mountains four blunder in, the nose is particularly bright, explain this year will make a fortune, again see your eyebrow parents palace is beautiful, the willow eyebrow passes an eye, the field house palace is broad, explain you this fortune comes from your parents, if I guess of right, your parents gave you a house this year? Or buy it for you?"

"But Zeng Yaxun looked at me with surprise, but said," You have not investigated me, have you? How else can you see so accurately?"