The body of nine Yin!

Enter sister-in-law's house, I suddenly all over hit a cold shiver, very cold, piercing cold! But it's summer! Not only I, but also my parents, seemed to unconsciously shake a body, I do not like this room, it makes me all over uncomfortable.

My sister-in-law took the gifts from my parents and said with a smile that you were welcome. I could see that both my sister-in-law and uncle looked pale, and the atmosphere at home was very heavy. Even so, people in the countryside would treat each other with a smile no matter how big the event was and when guests came.

When I was sitting in the living room, my parents were chatting with my uncle. My sister-in-law came to me and told me that Xiao Ye had grown taller again. I asked, "My sister-in-law, where is my cousin Huihui?"

When the people in the living room heard my words, their faces changed. My father scolded me and said, "Xiao Ye, you go outside to play first."

Her sister-in-law's face flashed a trace of grief, but she still forced a smile: "Cousin Huihui has left. How about letting Xiang Xiang and Wanfang play with you in the future?"

Just then, a little girl with messy hair rushed out of her bedroom and shouted, "Ghost! Ghosts, don't arrest me! Mom, save me, I'm so afraid..."

I was frightened by the little girl, sister-in-law hurried to the past, hard to hug her, full of wrinkles on the face, has been full of tears.

"Wanfang, don't be afraid. Mother is here and there is no ghost. Your sister just left.

Her uncle also looked sad and sighed heavily. Her mother went to comfort Wanfang, but Wanfang pushed her away and hid in her sister-in-law, her little body trembling with fear.

She is Wanfang! My cousin, Cousin Hui Hui's own sister, when I saw her, she looked like Cousin Hui Hui, I couldn't help saying, "Cousin Hui Hui."

Surprisingly, when Wanfang heard what I said, she stopped shaking and walked slowly over to me. She looked at me curiously and finally took my hand and said, "My sister said you would protect me, right?"

I was shocked, but quickly nodded firmly and said, "Yes, I will protect you!"

Wanfang nodded her head seriously, looking very calm and quiet, and stopped crying and making noises. All the elders in the living room were surprised by this scene. The younger sister-in-law and uncle's faces lit up with joy.

Originally sister-in-law's house out of so many things, already burned, parents will not let me stay, but to see the scene just now, perhaps I Wan Fang lost heart crazy help, so agreed to let me stay here temporarily.

My sister-in-law looked very happy and cooked for us enthusiastically, while Wanfang held my hand and sat quietly on the sofa, staring at the wall in a daze.

One also sat next to me, he appeared to be some wooden, but I can feel his good impression to me, perhaps because of Wan Fang.

After dinner, my parents drove home, and I stayed at my sister-in-law's house. My sister-in-law had let me sleep with her, but as soon as Wanfang left, I went crazy again and looked very scared. Helpless, sister-in-law had to let me sleep in wan fang that room, anyway are children, also nothing taboo.

This room used to be where Cousin Huihui and Wanfang slept. Ever since Cousin Huihui died, Wanfang began to become abnormal. At first, she became very quiet and did not speak.

Late at night, when I was asleep, I thought I heard someone calling to me. It was very small, very soft, like someone calling softly, or whispering softly.

"Little leaves... Small leaves..."

I rub eyes, slowly open your eyes, the child afraid of the dark, usually sleep with the lights on, so I can clearly see all of the room, I saw a red, wearing a red hat, the little girl wearing a red shoes, quietly floating in mid-air, her feet, hands, bound with two red said tuo, her body, was full of the breath of red, It looked as if a fire was burning around her.

"Cousin Hui - hui?

I suddenly sat up, at that time there was no ghost consciousness, so subconsciously thought that cousin hui hui was still alive, so I was very happy.

Cousin Hui Hui gave me a sweet smile, she opened her mouth to say something, but I could not hear her voice, I asked my cousin what you said?

Cousin Hui Hui suddenly became very anxious and looked out of the window from time to time, as if worried about something scary. I looked out of the window doubtfully, but it was dark and nothing.

At this moment, Cousin Huihui pointed to the corner of the wall and made a motion of digging with her hands. Her expression was very nervous and anxious and she kept pointing something with her hands. It took me a while to understand what she meant. Is there anything here?"

She kept nodding to me, indicating that I should hurry up, I was a little embarrassed, this room is tile-roofed, although not as strong as cement, but to dig out with both hands, no good tools, it is very difficult, how should I dig?

Cousin Hui Hui saw me embarrassed, as if also understand what, she pointed to the door, beckon me to follow her, I nodded to keep up, her body directly through the door, I feel quite novel, also want to directly pass the past, the result hit the door, swollen forehead a package, but, I had to open the door out.

After going out, Cousin Huihui led me to the outside, where I saw a hoe and shovel, I probably understand what she meant, she is to let me use these tools, dig that corner.

I followed her advice, took these things to the bedroom and woke up Wanfang. When Wanfang saw Cousin Huihui, she didn't seem surprised. She just pulled my hand and I asked her to help us.

The odd thing is that we dig a wall, the launch of a sound is quite big, don't know why her sister-in-law they didn't hear, until we work more than an hour, just dug a thing from the corner, covered with black cloth, the cloth covered with dense rune, open the cloth and inside was a small round black stone, rock like branded with a small people, In addition to the stone, there is a black talisman.

I asked my cousin if this was it and she nodded happily. Then suddenly she became very anxious again and kept looking outside. Finally she led us to the living room and pointed to a certain place in the living room and beckoned us to dig as we had done before.

I said, "Not so good, right? If they see it tomorrow, they'll scold us."

Cousin kept shaking her head and gesturing with her hands. Unfortunately, I could not understand. At this time, Wanfang suddenly took my hand and said, "Cousin, my sister said that there are bad people... The wicked will kill her..."

I was taken aback and said, "Bad guys? Where are the bad guys? Cousin, I will not let a bad man harm you! Shall we go and tell the uncle?"

Cousin shook his head, and looked very painful, very helpless, I was about to speak, her face suddenly changed, for me a few words, call a sound is to float out, I am mild aromatic chased out quickly, quickly, then we back to outside and she gone with the wind quickly and in a short time, they came to the village at the back of the bamboo forest, and when she saw that we follow, seem to be very anxious, kept pointing to the direction of the home, Let me get back.

I was about to speak, suddenly came from the bamboo forest a cold voice: "good you little boy, actually want to ask people to destroy my gather Yin method, you think this can escape from my palm?"

A gauntlet old man in a robe came out. His face was haggard, his eyes sunken, his fingers chapped like the bark of an old tree, and there was something sinister about him that made me uncomfortable to see.

"Who are you? Did you kill my cousin?"

I asked aloud, not a little thought of their own a child, how can people be afraid of me?

The old man caught a glimpse of me, cruel smile on the face, staring at me with malicious intent, way: "is two small wretched die, to tell you the truth, your cousin born when on Yin Yin Yin Yin, her family is presented very heavy, was born in there, decided to the body of her born nine Yin, when I was in her most happy, brutally killed her, see the red said effort? That will only increase her resentment, and I even think she'll be a ghost the moment she becomes one!"

"Alas, her heart is too kind, so pure, so don't become a spectre, and instead become a spiritual high in theory, it is let I didn't expect, but it doesn't matter, yet also very much, so I at her home decorate the Yin large array, the village of Yin qi, continually attracted to come over, as long as three years, she will become a devil king, then... Quack, my position in the new heaven will surely rise!"

I listen to him to say the cousin cruel kill, eyes are red, in the mind great anger, pointing at him scold way: "you this dead old man, the murderer who killed the cousin, I want to fight with you!"

Said I can blunt go up, old man sneer at 1, the figure of the shu disappears, the next moment appeared in front of me, a foot may be dipped in my chest, I was like a lightning strike, the whole people pour fly out, fell on the ground, mouth crazy vomit blood, that once I feel to die, even the whole body bone seems to be broken, heart there seemed to be kicking, even breathing difficulties.

"I can't beat you!"

When Cousin Huihui stood in front of me and began to whine at the old man with an angry expression on her face, the old man raised his eyebrows and hummed, "How dare you threaten me? Believe it or not, I'm killing you for life? These two children know my secret, I refined them into a soul, you three just have company, wouldn't it be better? If you stop me, I'll kill your parents too!"

I knew she wanted to cry, but she couldn't. At that moment, I felt like the sky was falling. I hated myself for not being able to protect Cousin Huihui.

Wanfang ran to my side and also defended me. She was also a little girl. Although she was very scared, she also glared at the old man with determination.

"What a passion! You three understand each other, the mind is linked, if you all practice into the ghost body, the future of the trinity, must be worse than the ghost king, ha ha, I really make a lot of money!"

The old man's face was delighted, as if he had found some great treasure, but his words were in my ears, and they became the howls of the devil.

"Take your life, boy! Remember who killed you, I am the new sky Yin Jupiter jun, zhao hang!"

The old man grinned and came over. Wanfang was in front of me. She was slapped by him and fell to the ground unconscious!


My eyes cracked at the canthus, and when I opened my mouth another gush of blood came out. The next moment I felt stars popping up before my eyes, and my consciousness began to drift.

At this time, Zhao Hang five fingers into claws, hard pressed on my chest, I felt a pain in my chest, ears are all his grinning voice, and Hui Hui cousin crying.

Before I died, I even thought that if I could be with my cousin in death, it would be good...


In my consciousness is dysfunctional, hear christy bellow a, the whole people back out, looked at me in a face of awe, and in my chest, suddenly come up to a large white gas, only for a moment that gas diffuses throughout the bamboo forest, at the same time, unconsciously, I look to the sky, no stars in the sky the moon, the wind roar, a large black clouds together quickly, There was a roar and thunder, and lightning came from all sides!

Heaven and earth as if closer, the dark sky pressure to the ground, giving a heavy pressure, as if to happen what earth-shattering event!

"Armageddon! God, what kind of monster are you? How did that happen?"

Zhao Hang seemed to be frightened, subconsciously back more than ten cloth, cousin hui hui also shivering squatting, a face of fear to look at me.