Chapter 12: A Long Road

About a week or two had passed since we left Mybourn, on and off rest. It's a long road we travel but I have no problems with it.

The more we travel the more I learn, that's one thing I've found myself doing a lot more than I ever did in my world. Learning in this world is essential if you wanna get by.

I've also grown a little attached to Azura and Ella, this hero Hiroko shows hope but it won't matter till we encounter one of her friends. I'm sure by now the king has people looking for both of them.

If word was to get out about Hiroko joining me she would probably be declared a traitor if it hasn't already happened. Word seems to spread fast, she's also educated me on how I'm special compared to her and the other heroes.

It hasn't been terrible so far having her join me on this journey, but there's still time.

I don't know why but it just feels like I still need to kill her but yet there's no reason, am I a bad person for thinking like this though?

As Mika continued through his thoughts the travel continued onwards. The party still heading east down a broken road, torn by years of war and chaos.

They were traveling through rough terrain, the east was widely known because it was the first desert biome ever discovered in this world, this led to the need to control it.

Mostly for battle, it would drag out the enemies water supplies and force them to retreat.

Though in the end it wasn't ever taken control of by one specific kingdom, instead it was divided into regions.

Mybourne holding one region, Eilethel holding the one, and the other two are unknown to most common folk.

But following the party, conversations began between them as the continued.

"So Ella why did you join us?" Asked Azura as she faced Ella.

"Mika helped me realize how bad things really are, my group of knights were sent to protect the lord Zelfin. So you can imagine how I felt afterwards." Responds Ella as she looks at Azura.

"I believe you made the right choice, Mika seems to have a good heart and cares about keeping us safe." Says Azura with a smile.

"You guys became my companions, it was only right to keep you safe. Though if that would change I can't say I still wouldn't do that." I Respond as I slightly look back.

I have grown a bit since meeting them but it's not bad that I have, it's slowly made me realize I'm not so terrible after all. These people think I'm doing the right thing even though it should seem wrong to them.

I really wouldn't have stopped if they cared anyway but it's just the fact that they decided to join regardless. I've never been one to be in parties just because I'm a solo player and mostly used my skills to benefit in killing others.

I didn't get to the top for nothing. I worked my ass off to get everything and made sure no one would catch up to me any time soon.

So in a sense it was like this place really was my world, and every other game before it.

I've known a lot of pain here but it hasn't changed how I feel, not yet at least. I'm destined to kill the corrupted bastards of this world no matter what it costs.

I've even accepted power from a demon but I need to find this person he mentioned. Calziel I believe it was.

This person needed to die according to Lazarus, which to me was nothing new and would happen regardless if needed. I've got no remorse for killing people in this world, especially scum bags.

It'll take some time I'm sure but I'll accomplish my goal, the heroes will die and so will the king of Mito Kingdom. He's done enough to the people of this world.

Him and every other kingdom that happens to take his side will fall to their knees. I'm not sure what I'll be doing after I accomplish this or if I'll be sent back to my original world.

That's the only thing that was never made clear to me even though it should've been my first question I asked Yui. I have doubts that she even would've answered me in the first place but at least I could've tried.

"Mika, Mika?" Repeats Hiroko as she stands in front of Mika.

"Huh what's going on?" I Question while coming out of thought.

"We've been trying to talk to you for the last few minutes and you've not responded or batted an eye." Answers Hiroko as she steps aside.

"I apologize, thoughts tend to overwhelm me sometimes." I Say while beginning to walk again.

"We just wanted to know how far you think we are." Says Ella as she walks on the other side of Mika.


With Mika's sight skill being activated the area is revealed and whomever is within the radius of it. Mika is shown a small group sitting by a fire I'm the distance, can't make out the insignia or any of the armor.

"There's a camp ahead, I don't know who's soldiers they are so be prepared." I Respond while looking ahead.

After about five minutes of walking the camp.was in sight and the soldiers quickly noticed the party approaching.

"Don't come any closer!" Shouted one of the soldiers while standing up and drawing his sword.

Mika looks at the soldiers armor and scanned for the insignia, not taking too long he catches it on the chest plate. It seems to be Mybourn's insignia which meant these were friends not foes.

"We come directly from Mybourn, the King sent us to find Elliot the captain who resides at fort Livot." I say while moving my hand away from my sheathe.

"King Maziel sent a random group of people to find Captain Elliot, where's the proof?" Asks the soldier.

Mika pulls out the piece the king had gave him with the insignia on it and shows the soldiers it before putting it back in his inventory.

"Okay, I apologize. We've been on guard since the last sneak attack. My name is Ashton and I'm in charge of this group of soldiers here." Says Ashton while putting his sword away.

"It's understandable, nice to meet you Ashton. I'm Mika, this is Azura, Ella, and Hiroko. We need to get to fort Livot." I Respond while gesturing to each party member.

The camp of soldiers looked like they had been through hell and back multiple times over. This was the life of the men and women who got sent out here to keep this region protected.

The dead trees surrounded most of the camp and made it rather easy to see the camp. This was the last forest before the desert region could be reached.

"So you want to head into the sand wasteland over there." Pointed Ashton as he looked towards a bridge.

"Yes if that's the way to Fort Livot, then that's the way we need to go." I Reply while looking towards the bridge.

"Well then you caught us at the right time, we'll take you to the fort. Just don't trail too much, we don't wanna get caught off guard again if those enemy soldiers see us leaving." Says Ashton while rallying the soldiers to March.

"We won't trail and if they do happen to show up, my party is capable of handling them." I respond while waiting for Ashton to lead.

Mika's party was now following Captain Ashton who knew the path to fort Livot, this road would soon end once they reached the fort. At least for now this would be the halt of their travels and it will show us what's really in these deserts.

"Everyone be on guard." I Whisper to my party as they follow behind Ashton's group.

I know deserts have never been fun in any games I played in my life so my hunch is this will be the same scenario.