Chapter 15: Despair

About a week had passed since that encounter with Shin and Sorakami. Recovery has been rough but I'll be back to my normal self soon enough.

That power really did a number on me but I know I can at least master it bit by bit every time it's used. All things take time.

"We're glad you're okay." Says Azura as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"I don't have any intentions of leaving you guys so I'll always come back." I Responds as I sit up.

"Treating you hasn't been easy but luckily my magic works on you." Says Lady Aisel as she sits a tray on the table.

"I apologize I don't think we've met yet." I reply while looking over at her.

"I'm lady Aisel, a very good healer who helps across the lands. I know who you are and you must be surprised on why I'd help you." Says Lady Aisel.

"Not as much as you'd think. Not everyone believes the King Mari." I Respond.

At least that's what I hope since I don't know what everyone's thinking around here.

"Good, then know I'll always be there to help. That is if I can get there in time." Says Lady Aisel as she gives a smile.

"Okay thank you." I Reply with an appreciative tone.

The remainder of the day was just me resting in the medical room and talking with Azura about everything. She said everyone was pretty upset about the damage I had sustained but she knew I'd pull through.

I was also told that Ella and Hiroko had left to find a place for us. I'm guessing they are referring to our own place of operations which would be nice.

"Azura mind helping me up?" I asked as I reached my arm out.

"Of course." Answers Azura while taking my arm and putting it around her.

She helped me get up from the bed and brought me over to a chair where I could sit. My gear needed to go back on just in case even if it hurt to wear.

"Mind helping me put some of this gear on?" I ask as I put on my chest plate.

"I'll always help you Mika." Replies Azura with a smile as she helps put gear on Mika.

After a few moments I had gotten everything on and could feel the pain of it being on me again. I'll never be unprepared no matter the reason, I need to keep those close to me safe and proceed with my journey.

Boom!!!! Crash!!!

Suddenly the fort was under attack and it sounded bad. Explosions coming from outside the medical area and walls collapsing, this wasn't a good thing at all.

Quickly realizing I had to keep Azura safe I grabbed my sword from the side of the chair. It was leaning against it since it's not the easiest sword to just sit around.

"Mika I'll get you out of here please don't push yourself." Says Azura while reaching her hand out to me.

I felt bad, she's a lot shorter then me and I'm definitely heavy. This armor would go to show that as well but I don't wanna upset her or worry her more.

"Okay." I respond putting my arm back around Azura.

Soldiers screaming in the background was all I could hear and this wasn't good because the king of Mybourn had asked us to keep this place from falling. If it falls I wonder what will happen from here on out.

Exiting the tent from the medical area we can see multiple groups of soldiers bearing the Mito Kingdom insignia. This meant they got together more men just to take this fort, even after everything that had happened.

Damn that King Mari!

"Mika, Azura, you need to get out of here now!" Shouts Captain Elliot as he approaches.

"What about you and your men?" I ask with a worried tone.

"We already sent word about everything you did and what happened. It's our turn to return the favor." Answers Captain Elliot as he blocks a sword from behind.

He was quite skilled too it seemed, blocked an attack from behind without even turning around.

"I'll get us out of here then Captain Elliot, thank you." Says Azura as she begins to walk past the captain.

I could tell she was having a hard time with this whole thing but I didn't wanna upset her either so this was the way.

"Rahhhhh!" Shouted A soldier who came charging at us.


The moment he got close to attack us he got sent flying back towards a group of soldiers.

Not all of my skills could be used right now since the toll on my body was immense.

Finally reaching the gate it was time to go, all I could see was the men of Fort Livot being slaughtered by the countless numbers of enemy soldiers climbing over the walls. This was going to be a massacre and it could've been avoided if that hero would've stayed out of this.

Azura continued to get us away from livot as it wasn't worth staying to help. Nothing could be done on our end sadly but it was time to find Ella and Hiroko.

The two who went to look for a place for us to stay that we could call our own.

Travel began slow after getting away but it would get better soon enough. My wounds should be just about healed and then I'll be able to protect us if anything happens.

Mika and Azura began their journey through the rough sandy desert lands of the east. A tough travel that most don't make without certain precautions but without a choice this was their only option.

It's been rough this last week and a half but we're getting by, supplies are getting thin but I can see a village not too far off from us. This would be the best bet to restock our supplies and keep moving.

Ella and Hiroko are out there somewhere so we have to find them.

I didn't expect this to happen but who could've thought an attack that strong would strike the fort. Maybe they were scouting after the battle between me and Shin.

That would at least make sense since it couldn't have been a random attack, it was a planned strategic attack. It worked in their favor but I'm sure I'll get a chance to slaughter more of those fools.

"Anger just keeps building up, that's what I like to see." Says Lazarus before letting out a laugh.

"What does it matter if I'm angry?" I ask.

"It means the more you'll wanna utilize me, my power can help you achieve your goals." Answers Lazarus as he grins.

"I know it can but it could also cost me my life rather easy." I say while leaving my train of thought.

"I'm sorry you had to wake up to all that Mika." Says Azura while we walk.

"It's okay, not like it's your fault." I Reply while looking at the hill in the distance.

I can't save everyone but I can save enough people for it to matter. That all involves the killing of the king and his heroes.

A long journey is still ahead but this will be done in time I'm sure. Though new challenges seem to be appearing more and more every day.

"I'm just glad we got out, we just have to find Ella and Hiroko." Says Azura.

"I'm sure we'll find them in no time." I respond.

I'm sure they're safe.