Chapter 21: Miven

Traveling began once more and now it was time to find the hero known as Nyoshi. Hopefully we can find something that'll lead us to him or close to it.

"It's probably another hour or so till we can finally see the city." Says Hiroko as they walk.

"Good." I respond.

I really hope to find something.

"This is the perfect chance to kill a hero Mika." Says Lazarus in a sinister tone.

"That's not gonna happen. Keep quite." I Reply while ignoring anything else he may say.

The world may have a chance still if there are more people who can change like Hiroko but if not this world will fall to evil. I'm not going to allow Lazarus to temp me with killing someone who's trying to help me.

The hour of travel went on with ease, no problems occurring. Now before the two was the city of Miven, A worn and Torn looking city that you'd think might be a prison.

It was just the look of the city itself, walls ready to crumble, windows smashed, people stealing. That was Miven for you.

"It wouldn't surprise me to see him here, he was always looking around cities like this for information before I left." Says Hiroko as she looks around the streets.

"That's because it's an informational city. Mostly used to talk to others who've been to places you might not have been to." I respond while watching as people steal in front of him.

Those who live here already know how it is but are destined to deal with it now. I don't believe all is lost for a place like this if there are people willing to make the effort.

"You're him!" Shouts an excited man as he approaches Mika.

"Can I help you?" I Ask with a confused tone.

"The man they call Mika. The summon from the witch." Answers the man.

"If that was me, what do you want?" I question while looking at the strange man.

"To give him some information of course! But for a small price." Answers the man.

"Okay I'll bite." I Say while pulling out a few gold coins.

"You're probably looking for a hero if I'm correct. Check out a dungeon out in the forest west of here. Word is that the hero who came through here wanted to go there." Replies the man.

"Okay if you're lying I'll be back to slit your throat." I Say while tossing the coins.

"I'd never lie to the true hero. Hehe." Replies the man as he laughs.

If he had a reason to lie about a hero he'd try something bolder like saying he was here or just came here and left without a word. But nobody comes here and just stays quite.

But if he's wrong I'll come back to take his life without any hesitation. I don't have time to be playing games that don't lead me to the person I'm looking for.

"I might know of that dungeon but I also could be wrong." Says Hiroko as she goes into thought.

"We'll leave for it shortly, I'm curious if we can find out anything else." I respond while walking.


The area around them seems to only have normal people in the buildings and on the streets. Nothing suspicious could be seen through anyone for Mika to notice.

Suddenly that's when before his skill wears off he sees a woman.

That figure seems similar to Yui, what if she's here?

Mika begins running down the street towards the figure he saw and as he turns the corner he hears.

"Ice Manifest Bolt!" Shouts the person as a bolt of ice hits Mika in the chest.

Woah that was a bit strong but this armor really holds up well.

"Jeez it's you, don't do that. Running after me like someone who wants to kill me. How'd you know it was me though?" Says Yui before asking her question.

"Wait you're saying that you have a disguise on or something?" I Respond with my own question.

Not too far behind Hiroko catches up and begins to speak her mind.

"Holy shit! Mind not just running off next time." Shouts Hiroko before talking normal.

"Yes I am. And he's sorry. It's dangerous out here Mika." Says Yui as she looks at Mika.

"I know but I'm sure you're aware of what my goal is by now." I Respond.

"Yeah. Sorry it's just you remind me of someone and I can't quite place who it is." Says Yui while trying to think.

"Maybe that's why you saved me. But either way we're on our way to hopefully get information out of a hero before ending his life." I reply with a bit of a hateful tone.

"Hey it's alright to be angry but don't give in too much. You'll give him control in no time doing that." Says Yui while sensing Lazarus within Mika.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I Reply while turning around to walk away.

"Mika hold up a second, I must speak to your friend in private real quick." Says Yui while signaling Hiroko to come over to her.

A moment goes by and Mika gets away from the two of them so she could speak to Hiroko quick.

"Uh yes?" Questions Hiroko with a confused tone.

"You need to keep an eye on him, he won't say it to you or your party but a demon resides within him. A powerful one that can tear him apart if he isn't careful, just I'm trying to say not to let that happen." Whispers Yui to Hiroko.

"Okay I can do that." Hiroko whispers back.

A Few moments had gone by and Hiroko had started heading back to Mika.

"Well let's get going." Says Hiroko as she walks ahead of Mika.

I've noticed a lot of people love doing that to me and it's going to annoy me eventually.

Following behind Hiroko I knew that she might know the way to this dungeon but I hope it wasn't just a way for the man to make coin. I'm also hoping Yui is going to be okay, she's got quite a reputation.

I swear I'll prove everyone in the world wrong about you Yui, that reputation isn't one you deserve. Everyone is looking for something in life but not everyone deserves to be judged for it, especially someone who's trying to help.

King Mari you will pay for what you did to me and now I'm damn well sure that you have to be the reason Yui is called an evil witch. The reason she can't go out in public as herself you sick bastard.

I hope your reign over the Kingdom you have was worth every second because it's going to crumble before your very eyes. As well as the heroes you corrupted to believe every damn word you say.

"Thank you Hiroko, I'll follow you all the way to the dungeon." I reply as I follow behind.

I'm also going to make sure I humiliate you by showing that one of your own heroes joined the 'evil' summon.

But forget all those thoughts for now, it's time to hunt a hero.