Chapter 46: The Hunt Begins

Now that I knew who would be going it was easy to figure out what was going on from here. The hunt was going to begin after finally coming back to Nilot.

The hunt for the remaining heroes or at least that's what I'd like to consider it. They need to be killed and then King Mari needs to be exposed for the garbage he is.

This is the way things need to go.

"Yes that's the best way to think Mika. A hunt for the remaining heroes is the best process to have in mind." Lazarus says with a sinister tone.

"There's the Demonic side of you that I haven't seen in awhile." I respond towards Lazarus.

I guess it's time to inform them that I need to get my armor fixed so we can begin our hunt for the heroes.

"If everyone is ready, I need to fix my armor before we do anything else." I say towards the others.

"Alright where will we be going then?" Ella asks with a curious tone.

"Probably back to Winzel. It was the last place I had my armor fixed at." I answer with certainty.