Chapter 50: Heavenly City

Sitting back in the seat of the train I watched as we passed by multiple places, it didn't take very long to reach the palace.

At least that's what I'd assume it must be.

"Destination Reached." A robotic voice says as the trains door open.

Time to get going before everything catches back up to me.

The palace ahead of me seemed quite big and was actually really nice to see, I wonder how long this whole place took to build.

"A Palace for a god, I should've expected it." Lazarus says with an annoyed voice.

"It's fine. We have something to do here." I respond while my eyes shifted to the long staircase.

Time to meet the king of this Heavenly City.

I ascended the stairs for a few minutes before finally reaching the top of them, this palace really was huge. The entrance itself seemed to be made out of marble and it was kind of blinding at first but then my eyes focused on the doors.

Time to head inside, Shiro is bound to be waiting inside.
