Chapter 88: Last Time Home (1)

It was kind of sad to think about everything though, this was probably my last time home for a good while. I've got too much to deal with and I'm not just going to stop. 

I've got to become powerful enough to destroy the demon lord and his damn army since they can't come back from this. This world will survive his onslaught and the people will live for a long time. 

Yeah these thoughts come to me but this is natural after a long time of it occurring to me all the time. It was a bit different when I was gaming though since I'd just be thinking about all different things I needed to do. 

That was the difference back then but now it's just a bunch of random thoughts at all times and sometimes it sucks. But yeah these new additions will definitely be nice and I can't wait to fill up the library. 

There is a lot I could do with this place and I think this is just the beginning.