Chapter 98: Beginning of The End (2)

Slowly everything was falling apart beneath me with each thing I discovered and I didn't have a way to stop it. The world is against me and yet here I am at the realm of the dead where I've seen my friends. 

Maybe not all of them but it's still enough when my emotions aren't being restrained like they use to be. It's terrible. 

(Meanwhile Watching over the World.) 

The skies were losing their color as the tide began to shift, the demon lord's plan was starting to work regardless of his attacks. Screeches could be heard echoing in the skies but yet nothing was there yet. 

Just a bunch of screeching and soldiers from all the kingdoms sat there waiting for what would happen next. This was the beginning of the end after all. 

The world was at its worse for the first time in centuries. 

Demons began to rise up from the ground once more but it wasn't the same as when they first arrived. They were coming back to life and preparing to fight again.