Chapter 100: Demon Lord

Levithi tried to keep me from moving like before but my power wasn't letting that happen. It must be strong enough to let me through this damn thing. 

"Interesting indeed. You will die here Mika." Levithi says as he charges in. 

Clashing against his blade he both began to fight against each others force for the first strike on one another. His strength was still immense for my power being how it is. 

This was going to be a tough fight no matter how I looked at it. So I'll take advantage while I can before everything takes a turn for the worse. 


"1 min and 30 seconds remains." Zetavin says. 

He's not completely paused it seems but his reactions are slowed which will help either way. Thanks to this I moved his sword out of the way and slashed across his chest and began to Slash away as much as possible. 

Fire began to emit from his chest before a sudden burst came.